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  1. PetesChicks

    Deep litter and required moisture ?

    Cedar chips can cause respiratory issues in chickens. You would be better off with pine shavings. A lot safer and probably cheaper also.
  2. PetesChicks

    Deep litter and required moisture ?

    What I do in the coop is actually called deep bedding, not deep litter. About the same, but since it’s dry & a wood floor I guess it’s got a different name. Just shavings, and a sprinkle of PDZ once in a while. The run gets old shavings, grass, leaves, hay, anything like that. No smells in...
  3. PetesChicks

    Deep litter and required moisture ?

    I keep about 5-8” of pine shavings on the floor, and use a poop board with sand & PDZ. Everything stays dry in the coop, except when the bunny used to spill water (RIP Pepper). The shavings do break down, but slowly. Every once in a while, I’ll take a wheelbarrow or so of shavings from the...
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