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  1. PatinOxford

    Broody (?) hen mystery

    Oh, good. She is with the other chickens at night when they come into the coop. But we free-range, and the other girls certainly aren't going to hang around with her in the coop when there are bugs to eat. I guess we could close the coop during the day. I'll try it. They have lots of places to...
  2. PatinOxford

    Broody (?) hen mystery

    I have a Buff Orpington hen, about 15-16 months old, who has (I think) gone all broody. She sits in the straw in the coop, fluffs herself up, gives out the evil eye when we look at her or touch her, and in general refuses to join the party. We have no rooster. We collect all eggs daily. She is...
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