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  1. Summerbirds

    what gender and breed are these chicks?

    yes i love silkies,and its good to know i will have some hens!
  2. Summerbirds

    what gender and breed are these chicks?

    Well I don't own the chicks biological parents,I bought them from a friend I know they have a dorking rooster black copper marans hens and roosters susex hens maybe roosters i think buff orpingtons hens 1 polish hen some Easter eggers hens and roosters and more but,i don't know all of them and...
  3. Summerbirds

    what gender and breed are these chicks?

    Yeah I guess with so many chicken breeds it's hard to tell who's who.
  4. Summerbirds

    what gender and breed are these chicks?

    I have a broody hen that hatched 6 chicks,I am wondering what breed and gender they are,they are 6weeks old and most likely crosses of some different breeds.this is pudding she/he has 8 toes total.Tilly is in the front and Eggy is in the back Tilly has 8 toes and a eggy has 9. This is Milk tea...
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