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  1. mandarin1

    Help! Peachick pipped in middle of egg!

    I know this may be a little bit early but I was wondering if anyone could tell if this is a male or female? I'm guessing male?
  2. mandarin1

    Help! Peachick pipped in middle of egg!

    Thank you!!!
  3. mandarin1

    Help! Peachick pipped in middle of egg!

    Had another black shoulder chick hatch over night!!! This one had no trouble hatching and toes are straight. No problems with this one thank goodness:celebrate
  4. mandarin1

    Help! Peachick pipped in middle of egg!

    Congrats on such a pretty baby!
  5. mandarin1

    Help! Peachick pipped in middle of egg!

    I don't usually do that, but I think I will take your advise especially with the one's that have had trouble hatching or a weak start. Would definitely be a good idea, Thank you!!!
  6. mandarin1

    Help! Peachick pipped in middle of egg!

    Doing well so far and no longer has curled toes:D
  7. mandarin1

    Help! Peachick pipped in middle of egg!

    Now that it's dried off it has the tannish tinge to it's wing feathers, so I think it's probably a black shoulder:)
  8. mandarin1

    Help! Peachick pipped in middle of egg!

    Thank you everyone for the advise and support!!!
  9. mandarin1

    Help! Peachick pipped in middle of egg!

    Thank you for the advise!! I will definitely take it to heart and make some adjustments. Since I last posted a new baby was born :weethe chick has curled toes which ive already started corrective measures to get them straightened out. Surprisingly enough though my India blue pair are split to...
  10. mandarin1

    Help! Peachick pipped in middle of egg!

    So the chick is still alive and chirping. This morning the only progress I see is there is a small hole in the membrane where the pip hole is and I can occasionally see its beak moving around. I'm going to leave it alone still to see if it can make any progress because I would hate to assist...
  11. mandarin1

    Help! Peachick pipped in middle of egg!

    I'm sorry to hear many other people are having trouble as well, it can be very stressful. I feed them a combination of layer pellets and scratch grain and then I also mix in a bit of game bird feed. They also get treats of fruits and vegetables (I freeze these when its really hot for a fruit...
  12. mandarin1

    Help! Peachick pipped in middle of egg!

    I thought it may have something to do with my breeders? Next year my yearlings will be able to breed, so maybe that will tell the tale when I have some different eggs/birds.
  13. mandarin1

    Help! Peachick pipped in middle of egg!

    I've actually got 3 in there. Maybe it's overkill, but I've actually had really good luck with all my chicken eggs hatching with no trouble and no deformity. I have a couple cheaper one's in there and then I have a more expensive one, which after reading reviews seemed to be a really good...
  14. mandarin1

    Help! Peachick pipped in middle of egg!

    Yes, I just checked on it a few minutes ago and still making noise in there and moving around good :D
  15. mandarin1

    Help! Peachick pipped in middle of egg!

    That makes sense. The fluid is thick yellow, which is why I was thinking the yolk especially with it being in the middle of the egg, so it threw me off. Maybe it's a good thing it drained out:)
  16. mandarin1

    Help! Peachick pipped in middle of egg!

    So I just checked on the little one and there is no progress in zipping but there is still mo ement amd I can now hear chirping! I'm going to leave it alone for now and see what happens over the next several hours. I'm really crossing my fingers!!
  17. mandarin1

    Help! Peachick pipped in middle of egg!

    I will definitely keep everyone posted. I have tapped on the egg and did not hear any chirping. I'm really crossing my fingers, but trying not to get my hopes up especially since it seems like a slim chance. I have had done assisted hatches in the past, but ive never had one pip into the yolk...
  18. mandarin1

    Help! Peachick pipped in middle of egg!

    I went to check the humidity in my Hatcher and noticed on the bottom of one of the peachick eggs looked like there was an external pip but there was something on it. I gently moved it a bit and saw what looks like dried up yolk on that had leaked out. I candled it really quick and there was...
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