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  1. Miss Lydia


    Wow will they love that. Boy mine sure do love foraging it’s such a hoot watching them walk along at 90 miles an hr looking close at the ground for bugs etc.
  2. Miss Lydia


    I think you have them set they can be out of wind and weather and being in Texas they should be fine. My Runners love the rain even cold rain doesn’t bother them the snow was a bit much but they decided on their own when to go inside their house to get out of it and when to come out . Yours...
  3. Miss Lydia


    That looks really good!
  4. Miss Lydia


    :hugs Thanks Shaw he is beginning to feel human again:D
  5. Miss Lydia


    Oh I know but hubs went through open heart surgery a few weeks ago so pool time got put on the back burner. They have been using their buckets for sponge bathes though!
  6. Miss Lydia


    Mine needs pool time they haven’t had a bath in a couple weeks if spring thaws today they will get a bath,poor babies
  7. Miss Lydia


    They are liking it now eh? And so quiet :love
  8. Miss Lydia


    :thumbsup since the pool didn't eat the guinea pig they knew it was safe. lol
  9. Miss Lydia


    I bet soon the rest will follow her in. Someone has to be the guinea pig. Great looking steps I have to agree.
  10. Miss Lydia


    What we won’t do for duckies right. :love
  11. Miss Lydia


    That coop is one of the nicest I have ever seen it's beautiful! Will the Runners use the ramp yet? They have gotten so big
  12. Miss Lydia


  13. Miss Lydia


    Keep those little duck piggies warmer too
  14. Miss Lydia


    How do they get into the pool @gilbert?
  15. Miss Lydia


    Just try an make it longer they can always walk under I wouldn’t go too much higher . I don't know maybe just stay with the original and hope they use it. :idunno
  16. Miss Lydia


    They have so much personality these Runner drakes:love. One thing about these blk drakes they won’t turn white like the the ladies. Doesn’t seem fair:rolleyes:
  17. Miss Lydia


    Poor guys. :( Hey you weren't suppose to drop him in just gently put him in to the water :lol: He's been in now so hopefully he'll get up the nerve to try on his own, after they haven't been out in their new place long yet. But boy look at the colors coming in can you see green on his head yet?
  18. Miss Lydia


    Not knowing if what is at the top might eat them is something they will have to over come. You could always catch them and put them in. Once they have had a taste of what's up there they will love it I betcha. All new things are very scary.
  19. Miss Lydia


    Yes a ramp on the non rock side just for safety I have had mine not use the ramp and limp around for a week or more better safe than sorry.
  20. Miss Lydia


    I have been bringing river rocks up to the house as you can see large and small they walk on them fine.
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