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  1. Rysktal

    A rainbow of Muscovies

    Officially the Drakelet we hope to be "The One". (I asked my kids and husband to pick their favourite, this is him!) Speckles Pied with a speckled chest. In the sun his black parts shine purple and green.
  2. Rysktal

    A rainbow of Muscovies

    Deanna Warhammer. Such a pretty girl ♡
  3. Rysktal

    A rainbow of Muscovies

    What kind of ducks do you have? I'm not sure how how to train them, lol. At this point mine just follow me around. I assume they think there is a good chance if they follow me they will get food.
  4. Rysktal

    A rainbow of Muscovies

    Totally forgot to update, we named her Deanna Warhammer. LOL. My 4 year old added the Warhammer part and my older kids thought it was awesome. They spend a lot of their time hanging out with Juno ♡ She likes them. Adventuring for some yummy things to eat. I really love them. There are...
  5. Rysktal

    A rainbow of Muscovies

    I also have to announce, I caved and the kids and I named a few of the ducks!! I did explain that even named ducks can be eaten. I'm not going to name too many, just the ones I've been watching and am hopeful to keep. Names so far... *Gandalf the Grey (the Grey barred one, I think he's a...
  6. Rysktal

    A rainbow of Muscovies

    I can usually get some of them to follow me and I'm training one of my dogs to heard them. If some follow they all follow. If I really need to, I get out a piece of cardboard and for some reason if I am holding it below my knees, they don't like it and will run towards their run and house...
  7. Rysktal

    A rainbow of Muscovies

    Everyone! Note the big white one in the center LOL
  8. Rysktal

    A rainbow of Muscovies

    It seems every few days I notice big changes among my Muscovies. This week I also started letting them free range when I am home. They are doing so well, if they start to go out of bounds, they just follow me back to wherever I want them to be. Also having them free range, I'm noticing their...
  9. Rysktal

    A rainbow of Muscovies

  10. Rysktal

    A rainbow of Muscovies

    This week I have been able to clearly tell who is a boy and who is a girl among my older bunch. All of my hunches were correct! When they were the same size as each other, the girls got their feathers in faster than the boys and the boys had much thicker legs and bigger feet. This week the...
  11. Rysktal

    A rainbow of Muscovies

    Thanks!! I am glad we get to say Thank You to our animals before we harvest them and I am so grateful my sons are growing up knowing where their food comes from. They think it's perfectly normal and I like seeing how they truly value life. Yesterday my husband and I moved the duck run to a...
  12. Rysktal

    A rainbow of Muscovies

    Totally understandable! The first time we processed one of our own chicken I didn't eat meat for 3 months. Growing our own meat has been quite the journey for me! I wanted to just get a few ducks for eggs/to be my pets but my husband really likes duck meat, so here we are. I just have to...
  13. Rysktal

    A rainbow of Muscovies

    Haha I guess so! Seems rough putting it that way. I feel really fortunate to be able to raise my own meat, I know they have been respected and loved on. Happy meat!
  14. Rysktal

    A rainbow of Muscovies

    We processed our first muscovy yesterday! Planning a fancy dinner on Saturday. It went well and I find I feel relieved this morning having started the elimination process. As it turns out 20 growing ducks produces so much poop and I'm kind of over that aspect. Really looking forward to...
  15. Rysktal

    A rainbow of Muscovies

    Continuing to grow and change! Only a few fuzzy ducklings left and a bunch are near fully feathered now. I think I am getting a good idea on genders, at least on my larger birds. Beautiful browns and holds, though the feathers are coming in black. I think the one on the right will be...
  16. Rysktal

    A rainbow of Muscovies

    I have some ideas but about half of my flock are not even feathered yet, so I am trying not to pick out favourites yet. I do know I will keep no more than 4...and 3 would be better.
  17. Rysktal

    A rainbow of Muscovies

    A few new pictures of some of my favourites. Still no idea on genders lol.
  18. Rysktal

    A rainbow of Muscovies

    I took some new pictures of my muscovies, I see so many different colours coming in! I love the barring coming in on her wings, so subtle and so pretty! Carunkles starting to grow! I will keep this thread updated as they grow. We plan on keeping 4 or 5 of them. How do...
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