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  1. Miss Lydia

    NEED HELP!!! What gender is my pekin duck?

    Aww maybe dad will relent one of these days. Glad to hear you get to see her once in a while. Thanks for updating
  2. Miss Lydia

    NEED HELP!!! What gender is my pekin duck?

    That was very sweet of you. I'd say Poppy and your hen would probably be fine together as long as there is enough room for them to get away from each other if they want. Maybe once you get them set up together you can snap a few pics and share with us?
  3. Miss Lydia

    NEED HELP!!! What gender is my pekin duck?

    Is the chicken rooster or hen? Where did you get Poppy?asking because a female Pekin would more than Likely be larger than a Mallard I am wondering if she is a White Mallard
  4. Miss Lydia

    NEED HELP!!! What gender is my pekin duck?

    Is Poppy same size as the Mallards? sounds to me like she wants her freedom and if you haven't a way to keep her contained [maybe if she had another duck friends] she will just keep going where the fun is with other ducks. What would happen if she came back and you put her with who?
  5. Miss Lydia

    NEED HELP!!! What gender is my pekin duck?

    Hopefully we’ll get more pics. She looks pretty hefty for a flying duck but pics deceive.
  6. Miss Lydia

    NEED HELP!!! What gender is my pekin duck?

    Maybe more pics would help is she heavy or small like a Mallard?
  7. Miss Lydia

    NEED HELP!!! What gender is my pekin duck?

    If she isn’t fenced in where she would be safe I don’t think I’d clip her wings. She is a Pekin and she flies? That’s a new one don’t hear about many Pekins flying.
  8. Miss Lydia

    NEED HELP!!! What gender is my pekin duck?

    True she should be quacking up a storm!
  9. Miss Lydia

    NEED HELP!!! What gender is my pekin duck?

    Mine love dried meal worms,plain Cheerios, water melon, tomato romaine lettuce just to name a few.
  10. Miss Lydia

    NEED HELP!!! What gender is my pekin duck?

    She doesn’t have a house to sleep in at night that is how I pick mine up to clip wings I walk them into their house .I am not sure but I don’t belive that’s a drake feather if it is it’s not fully one yet.
  11. Miss Lydia

    NEED HELP!!! What gender is my pekin duck?

    On the road sounds dangerous she could get run over. I believe I’d put a stop to that.
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