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  1. ChickenGirl555

    Breeds ok to mix with my flock?

    I’vejust heard people talk about it being an aggressive bird. I love their colors but I thought they were aggressive so I never got one. I guess I’ll get that instead of a Maran then!
  2. ChickenGirl555

    Breeds ok to mix with my flock?

    Wow. Well do you think a Sussex would be ok? I’ve just heard they’re super aggressive.
  3. ChickenGirl555

    Breeds ok to mix with my flock?

    When I went to a swap meet once, the whole place stunk from a dozen guinea fowl! :sick
  4. ChickenGirl555

    Breeds ok to mix with my flock?

    Actually I am going to introduce these new chicks with a broody mother. One of my Buff Orpingtons, Nugget, will be the proud mama if she passes the one week broody test. But last time she was broody she went for two months before we stopped her with a cold bath.
  5. ChickenGirl555

    Breeds ok to mix with my flock?

    The breeds I have now are Barred Rocks, Buff Orpingtons, polish, and Easter Eggers. I want to add 1 of each: Patridge Cochin, Welsummer, and French black copper maran. Are any of the new breeds aggressive, or would be to any breeds I have now? Also, I've heard Speckled Sussex are aggressive...
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