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  1. Chickadooo

    What is the deal with FG diatomaceous earth? Studies/articles please? Safety?

    Oh my goodness. I do the same thing with my rabbits hair do! :lau
  2. Chickadooo

    What is the deal with FG diatomaceous earth? Studies/articles please? Safety?

    Holy shnikees people.. if I would have known this topic was going to cause this much stress, I really wouldn't have asked. Oy! :oops:
  3. Chickadooo

    What is the deal with FG diatomaceous earth? Studies/articles please? Safety?

    I see some people use it as a preventative, some use it only after their chickens have already gotten lice. I've read that it can be dangerous for people with asthma and not to use it around children. So whats the dealio? Should I be using this in my chickens dust baths or not? It seems like a...
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