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  1. gumpsgirl

    Urgent Reminder-PLEASE Quarantine Newly Acquired Birds!

    There seems to be a lot of members that are having issues with new birds being introduced to and infecting their flocks. I would like to remind everyone at this time to PLEASE quarantine any bird for at least 4 weeks that you bring home BEFORE introducing it to the rest of your flock. This...
  2. gumpsgirl

    Urgent Reminder-PLEASE Quarantine Newly Acquired Birds!

    Just FYI everyone! It's not only the "ADULT" birds that you have to watch out for. Chicks can carry and spread disease also. If you choose to buy birds of any age from someone, be sure to quarantine all of them. Chicks and all. I'm learning this the hard way and could loose my whole flock...
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