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  1. speckledhen

    Urgent Reminder-PLEASE Quarantine Newly Acquired Birds!

    Per many discussions of late, I want to add that quarantine will likely not show a Marek's positive bird. That, unfortunately, will show up much later if you've brought in a carrier of MD. You can do a PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)test for Marek's to see if it's in their blood at a cost by...
  2. speckledhen

    Urgent Reminder-PLEASE Quarantine Newly Acquired Birds!

    Some lessons are hard learned, unfortunately. You are not alone. I've seen many posts about adding a bird someone just got to their flock immediately. Makes me cringe.
  3. speckledhen

    Urgent Reminder-PLEASE Quarantine Newly Acquired Birds!

    And that is it in a nutshell. Sorry about your turkeys, coffeekittie.
  4. speckledhen

    Urgent Reminder-PLEASE Quarantine Newly Acquired Birds!

    Thanks for the reminder. ranchhand always bumped this thread when she saw a new influx of emergency threads with the "help, I bought a new bird and now my whole flock is sick!" cries. Since her birthday just passed, seems even more appropriate. Sally and I always were in agreement on this point...
  5. speckledhen

    Urgent Reminder-PLEASE Quarantine Newly Acquired Birds!

    Many of the deaths I've read about here and have received calls about go something like this: 'I rec'd this bird from x. Brought it home and didn't quarantine it. Within a week it was dead and now I'm worried about my flock!' The assumption here is that the 'bird from x' was sick. That...
  6. speckledhen

    Urgent Reminder-PLEASE Quarantine Newly Acquired Birds!

    You can disagree, saladin, however, I think this disease section is a pretty indicator of how disease gets into flocks. There are very few "mystery" occurrences of disease here, when you get right down to it. Almost every single instance has some new bird being brought into the flock or...
  7. speckledhen

    Urgent Reminder-PLEASE Quarantine Newly Acquired Birds!

    Quote: If wild birds have access to your birds at all (which includes looking through the wire at one another) a 'closed' flock isn't going to protect you. More diseases/parasites are transfer by wild birds than by anything else. I'm in the woods, surrounded by wild birds. No parasites, no...
  8. speckledhen

    Urgent Reminder-PLEASE Quarantine Newly Acquired Birds!

    There are sources online, such as this nice general chart by Welp hatchery:
  9. speckledhen

    Urgent Reminder-PLEASE Quarantine Newly Acquired Birds!

    Bringing this up again as we've had reports of a member here selling apparent CRD carrier birds. Please, folks, be cautious! Not everyone is ethical or informed and it's up to you as a buyer to investigate the seller, ask questions about illness in his/her flock in the past, check out the...
  10. speckledhen

    Urgent Reminder-PLEASE Quarantine Newly Acquired Birds!

    Honestly, I've never quarantined a chick that came direct from the shipment to the feed store, but it's mostly because this feed store does not allow people to handle the chicks at all. You can do that, but you can also make yourself nuts. Erica, there is always a chance that a bird in...
  11. speckledhen

    Urgent Reminder-PLEASE Quarantine Newly Acquired Birds!

    Thank you, Cetawin. Sally always seemed to know when the best time was to bring it up again. Seems we have waves of folks upset over new birds making their current flock ill, comes and goes, and Sally felt a reminder was in order at just the right time. When the poultry shows are in full swing...
  12. speckledhen

    Urgent Reminder-PLEASE Quarantine Newly Acquired Birds!

    Best of luck with your hen. Yes, she will survive the 30 days. My rooster survived 5 weeks of quarantine, but we had a wrap porch that was high above the rest of the property and he got to sunbathe in a second dog crate up there toward the end of the quarantine period. The hens couldn't get...
  13. speckledhen

    Urgent Reminder-PLEASE Quarantine Newly Acquired Birds!

    Well, what I would do personally is try to bleach the inside at least, but you said it's portable? If so, I'd move it off the last place it was sitting to new ground for the new kids. That's just me, not sure it's necessary. I don't have anything portable here.
  14. speckledhen

    Urgent Reminder-PLEASE Quarantine Newly Acquired Birds!

    Remember, though, that a chick is a started bird and can still be a carrier. If you buy chicks from a hatchery, you are probably safer than if you buy from an individual, but nothing is 100% safe. gumpsgirl added a week old chick to her flock and spent over a year weeding out carriers of Coryza...
  15. speckledhen

    Urgent Reminder-PLEASE Quarantine Newly Acquired Birds!

    CRD can be passed down through the eggs, yes, but it may be only through the hen, not entirely sure about that one. Yes, they can live, being carriers, but if you carry germs from your birds to the feedstore on your clothes or shoes, you could be the cause of someone else taking it home to their...
  16. speckledhen

    Urgent Reminder-PLEASE Quarantine Newly Acquired Birds!

    Sally, sorry about Elwood. Yes, responsible animal husbandry is another aspect of breeding. Hope you figure it out. Sometimes, the puzzles in genetics can be complicated.
  17. speckledhen

    Urgent Reminder-PLEASE Quarantine Newly Acquired Birds!

    Thanks, Sally. Yes, this is the BIG bird buying season, so please, PLEASE quarantine! It's not perfect, but it's the least you can do to keep your flock safe, other than not buying birds at all.
  18. speckledhen

    Urgent Reminder-PLEASE Quarantine Newly Acquired Birds!

    Received a distressing PM from a member this morning. Someone who has current illness running through his flock (no idea who) is still selling chicks and hatching eggs, in spite of the fact that some diseases, most commonly CRD, can be passed through the egg to the chicks. I am pleading with our...
  19. speckledhen

    Urgent Reminder-PLEASE Quarantine Newly Acquired Birds!

    Molting birds lose their butt feathers and are frequently bare down there for awhile. The skin may even look chapped, but it's not necessarily lice/mites.
  20. speckledhen

    Urgent Reminder-PLEASE Quarantine Newly Acquired Birds!

    Actually, it is a sticky. It's one of the links here:
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