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  1. Dona Worry

    Hawk Attack

    I've never tried it, and I'm not sure a wound this severe and deep is the place to start experimenting. Also, if it was me, I'd be flushing that daily to prevent fly strike.
  2. Dona Worry

    Hawk Attack

    Also, while you CAN dilute aspirin into water for pain, you SHOULDN'T. Aspirin is a blood thinner, and also, as bad as it sounds, you actually want the chicken to feel the pain so she moves around less and hopefully heals faster. Starting her on antibiotics ASAP isn't a bad idea--I think...
  3. Dona Worry

    Hawk Attack

    OW. First things first-- chocolate. Not for the chicken, for you. Ok, VERY CAREFULLY trim the feathers around the wound. Enlist a second person if you can. Next, make a simple sterile saline solution. I don't remember the exact proportions, but something like 1/4 cup salt to 8 or 10 cups...
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