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  1. mdfishinggirl

    New to BYC, new to farm living

    My Emily is 14(God help me...) and one thing that works great when they get older is restrictions. Examples--cell phone, movies, computer, sleep overs, etc. Oh, and the threat of walking them to their homeroom class in the mornings gets their attention too. I have to say that all in all my Em is...
  2. mdfishinggirl

    New to BYC, new to farm living

    Quote: At 10...what do you think? ARGH... What kind of chickens are you hoping to get? Feel free to ask a lot of questions. There are a ton of nice people here! Managing a celtic Music group? How cool is THAT?? I am thinking Barred Rock, Cochins and would like a few Buckeyes...I love...
  3. mdfishinggirl

    New to BYC, new to farm living

    Hi Brian, Thanks for the welcome..I have an Emily too!
  4. mdfishinggirl

    New to BYC, new to farm living

    Hi all! Great site, I am totally overwhelmed! I am new to living in the country, but have always wanted chickens. So..I am building a coop and hoping to get my chicks this spring! I never do anything without some background knowledge (okay, I manage a celtic music group from Scotland and had NO...
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