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  1. Gerritses

    Peeps in Europe!

    We are only 20 minutes from the German border so I will do some reading up on coccidia!
  2. Gerritses

    Peeps in Europe!

    Its good to know your chickens seem to be coping OK. I'm so happy the weather is due to cool down again tomorrow.... the Netherlands isn't designed for this many days over 30C!! Do you do anything to help the chickens cool down? I've heard frozen fruit can be a nice snack on these hot days.
  3. Gerritses

    Peeps in Europe!

    Wow! Thank you for such a comprehensive answer! We are planning on getting our first chickens through a breeder from the Barnevelder club so hopefully is a good and trustworthy source. We will definitely ask if the chicks were vaccinated but it sounds like with good management practices the...
  4. Gerritses

    Peeps in Europe!

    Hi BDutch :) I do have one quick question, do you bother with any vaccinations for your birds? I've read that it can be worth ensuring they have Marek's vaccination but that its becoming less effective as time goes one. We aren't planning on exhibiting or anything.
  5. Gerritses

    Peeps in Europe!

    I might be a little late to the game here, but I'm a new member about to get our first chickens in the Netherlands. Our homestead is 20 minutes from the German border. We will be heading to Barneveld to get some Barnevelers. Would be interested if there are any other Dutch members on here...
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