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  1. Crazydoglady99

    Quail Questions?

    :hit aww I'm sorry :hit
  2. Crazydoglady99

    Quail Questions?

    :lau:lau happens to all of us :lau:lau Good luck!! Hope your eggs hatch :fl:fl
  3. Crazydoglady99

    Quail Questions?

    I think just double check the protein values.. This is what I get here in Aus Sesame seeds 18%. Green split peas 25% (are you going to cook and mash them? Or grind them? Usually they are dried and very hard!) Shredded wheat 11% Sunflower seeds 21% (but over 50%fat, so go easy on those!)...
  4. Crazydoglady99

    Quail Questions?

    **puts flame suit on** Just double check your oats. I use rolled oats (quick oats) and they are 12-13% protein. Roughly the same as eggs. When looking at protein levels, use the "per 100gm" to compare all of them. You might not be actually feeding 100gm, but at least you are...
  5. Crazydoglady99

    Quail Questions?

    Give it a try!!! Everyone is good at different things, so if formulating feed is easy for you -then do it!! (Edit to say I formulate the food for all my pets, Its something I really enjoy doing! But I can totally appreciate it's not for everyone) They luuuuurrrrvvvveeee mashed boiled eggs, and...
  6. Crazydoglady99

    Quail Questions?

    Hopefully more than 1 hatch, so you don't have 1 very lonely quail. Can you source insects (powdered, dried or fresh)? I like crickets and mealworms, they are the easiest for me. But if you can get them, please add them to your feed formulation (roughly 1/5th of their total food based on your...
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