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  1. Duckworth

    need advice on treating ducks that were attacked

    I'm glad to see your ducks doing so much better. Preening was a big sign that they were doing better, even though they didn't eat much for longer than I felt comfortable with. Mine are frolicking out in their pen, now, 2-1/2 weeks post-attack. They eat like crazy and two are now laying again...
  2. Duckworth

    need advice on treating ducks that were attacked

    I puréed wet crumble mash with some dried mealworms and a little kitten food. It was pretty thin because otherwise, it wouldn't draw into the syringe. I did do it at the corner of the bill like the meds and was SUPER careful to give just a couple of drops at a time so she wouldn't aspirate...
  3. Duckworth

    need advice on treating ducks that were attacked

    I didn’t think you meant that at all. I totally understand being very concerned. It’s hard not to worry when things seem off. Are you able to get a phone consult with your avian vet? Mine has been checking in every few days.
  4. Duckworth

    need advice on treating ducks that were attacked

    I’m not suggesting that your ducks aren’t in jeopardy—just to offer some reasons for hope and encouragement and to let you know that the shock took awhile to wear off. I certainly did my share of worrying and trying to figure out whether there was anything else I should be doing. I really...
  5. Duckworth

    need advice on treating ducks that were attacked

    My three are Welshies, too.
  6. Duckworth

    need advice on treating ducks that were attacked

    One more thing. If you have separated your ducks from each other, consider setting up at least a look-don’t touch situation for them. Nipper did better when I put FG in with her, but I couldn’t put her together with Flipper until she was doing enough better that Flipper thought Nipper would...
  7. Duckworth

    need advice on treating ducks that were attacked

    My ducks didn’t look good because of their injuries and they didn’t seem to be eating or drinking all that much, though I think they may have been getting a bit more than I thought they were. FG’s head was stitched up and one eye was completely crusted over, but once those stitches were in, she...
  8. Duckworth

    need advice on treating ducks that were attacked

    When I was giving oral meds to my ducks by syringe, I used a small barrel 1cc/1ml syringe and just gave a couple of drops at a time into the corner of the bill where the bill meets the feathers. It took my ducks about three days to start eating and drinking again and my most seriously injured...
  9. Duckworth

    need advice on treating ducks that were attacked

    My vet did get a baseline weight when he took each duck into the OR to examine them under better light, even though I wasn't aware of it at the time. When I went back a few days later to have him follow up on Nipper, his assistant weighed her again and he referenced the previous weight he had...
  10. Duckworth

    need advice on treating ducks that were attacked

    I know the feeling! I thought I had made things secure enough and had I appreciated the real risk, I wouldn’t ever have put my flock in danger. My husband no longer thinks our duck enclosure is “over engineered” and is much more eager to help me fortify it than he was before the attack. I’m...
  11. Duckworth

    need advice on treating ducks that were attacked

    It's early days, yet. Mine took several days to really turn the corner. I wanted them to be okay faster, but they needed more time to recover from their trauma. That blood matting may be covering a large "road rash" type injury and protecting it from being raw and exposed. It was a full week...
  12. Duckworth

    need advice on treating ducks that were attacked

    BTW, my vet told me not to use any eggs laid within two weeks of my ducks being given any antibiotics.
  13. Duckworth

    need advice on treating ducks that were attacked

    That is the type of injury my least injured duck had. She is completely fine, now. I hope your Rose will recover quickly and without incident. I think the most important thing I did was to get vet care quickly and to do whatever we could to minimize trauma and give a warm, calm place for...
  14. Duckworth

    need advice on treating ducks that were attacked

    One of my ducks had a 1-1/2" gash on the top of her head, though she was not the most severely injured of my ducks. The most serious injury was the predator pulled one duck's upper bill away from her face so that she had a lot of bleeding and swelling in her sinuses and on her face. Neither of...
  15. Duckworth

    need advice on treating ducks that were attacked

    My avian specialist vet also recommended that I not clean up my ducks' wounds until several days after they were injured. He prescribed oral antibiotics. I did not give them bathing water for about a week, partly because one duck has stitches. The vet did tell me that I could gently hold a...
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