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  1. Wyorp Rock

    Treating your Chickens?

    LOL Well, I understood everything you said CNanny! we must think alike :)
  2. Wyorp Rock

    Treating your Chickens?

    Not at all! You aren't the first or last that will ask what those mean!
  3. Wyorp Rock

    Treating your Chickens?

    LOL I'll help translate ChickNanny speak for you! BO = Buff Orpington (breed of chicken) BOSS = Black Oil Sunflower Seeds MW = Meal Worms I think sometimes we forget about using acronyms and think everyone will get what we say. I'm bad to do that too!
  4. Wyorp Rock

    Treating your Chickens?

    I'm assuming "treats" as in food? Mine are confined so I try to adhere to the 10% rule. Some favorite treats are kale, scratch, cabbage or other fresh veggies/fruit. Keep them busy by adding some fresh straw, raked up leave/pine needles to your run as well.
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