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  1. Miss Lydia

    -duckling video- choking? sneeze? blockage? Is something wrong?

    How’s all your babies doing today @wheresbigfoot
  2. Miss Lydia

    -duckling video- choking? sneeze? blockage? Is something wrong?

    You never gave up that’s what saved her. Did you ever figure out where the string came from ?
  3. Miss Lydia

    -duckling video- choking? sneeze? blockage? Is something wrong?

    How’s she doing today? Thank goodness you found that string!
  4. Miss Lydia

    -duckling video- choking? sneeze? blockage? Is something wrong?

    I am so happy you found the problem. She sure bounced right back afterwards too. Making up for lost time lol. Bless your heart for keeping at it till you found it!!
  5. Miss Lydia

    -duckling video- choking? sneeze? blockage? Is something wrong?

    You could wrap Her in a towel like a burrito then you can gently open her mouth check under her tongue feel the outside of her face first how does it feel ? Maybe @casportpony knows of a better way to check her out.
  6. Miss Lydia

    -duckling video- choking? sneeze? blockage? Is something wrong?

    Did you look under her tongue? Might have food lodged under.
  7. Miss Lydia

    -duckling video- choking? sneeze? blockage? Is something wrong?

    Just to rule out something lodged there what about tubing like for tube feeding K to see if something maybe lodged in her throat? Just trying to think of anything that may help this little one
  8. Miss Lydia

    -duckling video- choking? sneeze? blockage? Is something wrong?

    I am a visual person I can read something but having something to see always helps. But hey this isn’t about me.. I just want you the little better better. sorry spell check is my worse enemy.
  9. Miss Lydia

    -duckling video- choking? sneeze? blockage? Is something wrong?

    I can’t get on my computer to pull up the picture.
  10. Miss Lydia

    -duckling video- choking? sneeze? blockage? Is something wrong?

    How about that picture with the mouth open that shows where to put syringe when giving meds? That shows the inside pretty good. @casportpony
  11. Miss Lydia

    -duckling video- choking? sneeze? blockage? Is something wrong?

    Have you been giving her anything by mouth?
  12. Miss Lydia

    -duckling video- choking? sneeze? blockage? Is something wrong?

    I know they don’t have actual lungs like us but maybe sucked something down the wrong way? Glad you have the Nutri drench!
  13. Miss Lydia

    -duckling video- choking? sneeze? blockage? Is something wrong?

    K do you think she could have gotten something down in her lungs. @casportpony
  14. Miss Lydia

    -duckling video- choking? sneeze? blockage? Is something wrong?

    How is your little duck this morning?
  15. Miss Lydia

    -duckling video- choking? sneeze? blockage? Is something wrong?

    You looked inside her mouth ? I don’t know what that thing you pulled out of her mouth is. Let it dry and maybe you can figure it out. Doesn’t look like there could be anything In Their brooder the ducklings could have eaten on strings etc?
  16. Miss Lydia

    -duckling video- choking? sneeze? blockage? Is something wrong?

    I noticed she was shaking her butt that’s why I asked about poop did you look at her bottom and feel her tummy area is it normal feeling like the other or hard ? Did they eat anything new today? When did this start is she interacting with the other ducklings?
  17. Miss Lydia

    -duckling video- choking? sneeze? blockage? Is something wrong?

    Is the duckling pooping? what does it look like.
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