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  1. Matzwd

    Adding 24 to existing flock of 4

    I used sand in my brooder this spring, mixed with sweet PDZ, and sifted all it every night. It took me a bit to figure out that the sand definitely holds the ammonia. I switched to peletized horse bedding and stirred it regularly, removing big chunks o' poo, and it worked so much better. Now...
  2. Matzwd

    Adding 24 to existing flock of 4

    Definitely helpful, thank you!! There certainly is a lot to learn, and I never mind learning from others' questions as well. I do deep litter in the run, but just shavings in the coop. When we change out the coop bedding, it just gets raked into the run. When I'm scooping poo in the...
  3. Matzwd

    Adding 24 to existing flock of 4

    I was just curious about your scenario, if you don't mind giving more details and sharing potential solutions to your situation with your babies. I delayed moving mine outside because of storms for almost a week straight. Then I checked the forecast one day and decided I just had to make the...
  4. Matzwd

    Adding 24 to existing flock of 4

    Yes to all above. I will move them outside this week (with the brooder plate). The bigs are out of their run all day, so they will be able to see and not touch the littles all day long. In a couple of weeks, I can start with small escape doors for little to explore outside their run. They...
  5. Matzwd

    Adding 24 to existing flock of 4

    Thank you aart! The enclosure has been great and very functional for us. And I agree, none of the options are fantastic with regard to moving chickens. To answer some questions about juggling options: A) would be good if you can stand it, might spur you to finish new shed faster? I can...
  6. Matzwd

    Adding 24 to existing flock of 4

    Since it will be a couple of weeks before the new coop is ready, would it be best to: A) Leave chicks in indoor brooder for now B) Put the standard babies in their house with the bigs (screened off of course) and put the banty babies in the grow out coop C) Put them all it n the grow out...
  7. Matzwd

    Adding 24 to existing flock of 4

    I do have a grow out coop with attached run that is object for see/no touch, but it won't hold this many chicks for long. I could potentially create a space for the standard babies in the coop with the four adults and finish brooding the bantams in the grow out coop, in an effort to get then...
  8. Matzwd

    Adding 24 to existing flock of 4

    That's what I was kind of thinking. It might be easiest to pen up the older ones.
  9. Matzwd

    Adding 24 to existing flock of 4

    I am not sure how to go about integrating 24 babies with my existing small flock of 4. The four adults are three standard hens with a silkie rooster. The newbies I'm adding will include 12 bantams of various breeds and 12 standards of various breeds. The plan for final living arrangements is...
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