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  1. danceswithronin

    Bielefelder hatch 2019

    Yeah my biggest mistake in the whole thing was buying more chicks and hatching more eggs BEFORE expanding the coop, assuming the coop would be built in time. The weekend weather simply didn't cooperate.
  2. danceswithronin

    Bielefelder hatch 2019

    Well turns out selling the bielefelders was kind of a bust. Everyone waiting on one bailed out because everyone wanted female chicks and I only have the one that is already reserved (for me). Since I'm WAY behind on my coop build/don't have space for a grow out area, I decided to just give away...
  3. danceswithronin

    Bielefelder hatch 2019

    Not totally sure but looks like #3 might be a girl!
  4. danceswithronin

    Bielefelder hatch 2019

    Thanks! Me too, I'd love to keep one since they are so rare. I wish I could keep the first biele who hatched because he is adorable and the roosters are so beautiful but I live in the suburbs, so no rooster for me.
  5. danceswithronin

    Bielefelder hatch 2019

    #3 is still working on it but I see beak movement at the pip now, so he/she is finally getting with the program.
  6. danceswithronin

    Bielefelder hatch 2019

    Second biele to hatch (#7) while I was at work today. Poor little guy is exhausted (took a long time to hatch from first pip). I'm a little worried about him but I'm letting him rest for now. He's quite active despite the photo. I'm 2/2 cockerels now. Figures.
  7. danceswithronin

    Bielefelder hatch 2019

    First biele to hatch! Hatched overnight last night. Named this little boy Louie after Louis XVI on the drama show Versailles that I'm totally sucked into right now. He's a regal little thing.
  8. danceswithronin

    Bielefelder hatch 2019

    Lockdown was yesterday and I did a final candling. Three of the eggs in Incubator #1 are ready to go, and only one (#9) of the five eggs in the second incubator kindled, but that doesn't surprise me - they did not get started for almost two weeks, so I figured I lost a lot of viability there. #9...
  9. danceswithronin

    Bielefelder hatch 2019

    I got my candling lamp from Brinsea (it actually arrived with my second incubator, but the box was inside the shipping box beneath the incubator so I didn't see it when I unpacked it :rolleyes:) so I am planning to candle my first batch of eggs again tonight and maybe even see if I can get some...
  10. danceswithronin

    Bielefelder hatch 2019

    Day 7: Did my first candling today AND got my second incubator for the remainder of my shipped eggs. Looks like eggs #1, #3, #6, and #7 are developing (WHEE), and actually saw movement of the embryo in each one (YAY). I'm questioning the fertility of #2, #4, and #5, but I left them in for now...
  11. danceswithronin

    Bielefelder hatch 2019

    Cool, will do! If it turns out they're not viable, I can always just grab a different set of eggs for that incubator, I have my eye on some local ads for black copper marans and things like that. I'd like to keep at least one batch of chicks going through most of the spring and summer months...
  12. danceswithronin

    Bielefelder hatch 2019

    Alright, the candling of the first seven eggs is tomorrow, and my second incubator will be here tomorrow as well. I'm not sure how viable the last five eggs I have in storage are now since I've had them a week, but I've been keeping them stable with the fat side of the egg up and turning them...
  13. danceswithronin

    Bielefelder hatch 2019

    Already got my first breeding pair on reserve for somebody, yay! :cool: Easiest forty bucks I ever made.
  14. danceswithronin

    Bielefelder hatch 2019

    I've already got a list of people interested going on a few local chicken groups, so I'll be selling the chicks first come first serve there. Super rare breeds like bielefelders and deathlayers and things like that seem really uncommon in the deep South, especially in rural areas, so I'm getting...
  15. danceswithronin

    Bielefelder hatch 2019

    Okay, ended up posting some ads for upcoming chicks $30 per female, $20 per male, $40 per breeding pair. If I manage to sell them all for those prices I will probably make enough to cover the cost of the chicks and my first incubator and then some. I won't have to buy any new chick feed for them...
  16. danceswithronin

    Bielefelder hatch 2019

    Good idea! I'll probably do this, at least unless it looks like the chicks won't move. I doubt it though, when I went to sell my silkies through a local Facebook group I sold them in five minutes and had a waiting list of ten people willing to buy them if the first guy fell through (he didn't)...
  17. danceswithronin

    Bielefelder hatch 2019

    I think I might be undercutting myself pricewise after looking at other bielefelders for sale - I think I will offer them $50 per breeding pair or $30 per female chick and $20 per male chick. That's with delivery thrown in if they want (within a reasonable distance) and with no minimum order, so...
  18. danceswithronin

    Bielefelder hatch 2019

    I had considered this, or either offering them as a breeding trio - one cockerel to two pullets. I'm not sure how much to price them for though? The 12 eggs with shipping cost me $35.00, and I'm not really worried about recouping my money on feed yet. I'm in the process of converting over to...
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