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  1. BayfrontHens

    Integrating ducks to existing hens

    Update: I gave the ducks as long as I could until they were just too crowded in their segregated pen. Let everyone loose together in the 50x50 chicken yard with veggies scattered all around for treat time. Sat with my hose pipe on jet setting watching for any severe bullying. To my surprise the...
  2. BayfrontHens

    Integrating ducks to existing hens

    I’ve give them a few more weeks & will try again this weekend to let them range together. I have to do something Bc ducks have outgrown the pen currently in. Thank you for the tips!!
  3. BayfrontHens

    Integrating ducks to existing hens

    I’m hoping to add 3 ducklings to my flock of existing 6 hens. All 3 are feathered & have spent the last week in a small protected run inside the chicken run so they have been seeing each other. I attempted to let the ducks out to roam yesterday & my hens immediately jumped on & started pecking...
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