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  1. cointoss

    CT Chickenstock-2009

    Quote: That's so wonderful -- great news.
  2. cointoss

    CT Chickenstock-2009

    "OHHHHH your the one who brought the home made beer? My husband loved it. He feel bad, we have one of the bottle in our van." Don't worry about it -- we get them for free from our local liquor store when people bring them in for recycling
  3. cointoss

    CT Chickenstock-2009

    Thank You to Becky and Bill -- we had such a wonderful time, and the friends we brought with us from Oxford are now planning for their own chickens soon... It was a great day, and we loved meeting everyone. The new girls are settling in nicely, they are just gorgeous. Thanks PLreef! We've...
  4. cointoss

    CT Chickenstock-2009

    I am there rain or shine, and have already baked the chocolate portion of the trifle I'm making. YUM! I can't wait It looks like it will be me +DH & Son (definite) and then possibly my mother, and another family of 4 (I told them they have to bring food if they come.) See you all soon!
  5. cointoss

    CT Chickenstock-2009

    Quote: I want orange! for $12, that is so worth having on hand. I already have a divacup, btw, and it is just fantastic. I wish I'd known about it the first 18 years...
  6. cointoss

    CT Chickenstock-2009

    We have parties all the time and the septic is always fine for a two-bathroom house with under 100 people. You would be surprised how few people like to go to the bathroom at other people's homes. I think you will be fine.
  7. cointoss

    CT Chickenstock-2009

    Oh, I am so excited! I can't wait for May One of my girls (Aurora) got chased off my my neighbor's visiting son's mini-pinschers and appears to be gone for good. This happended the day before I was planning on fencing in our whole yard -- to prevent something like this! Ah well. So my...
  8. cointoss

    CT Chickenstock-2009

    Hi Lori -- you need to find your town's specific ordinances, not RI laws. It varies from town to town. Your town hall can tell you, or it may be right on your town hall website... Quote:
  9. cointoss

    CT Chickenstock-2009

    Quote: HA ha ha -- you clearly read my mind. Hubby is really slacking. Says he's on it, but have only seen two half-finished drawings so far. I must admit, it's probably (ok, definitely) my fault since my store is moving locations this weekend and I have been running him ragged putting in...
  10. cointoss

    CT Chickenstock-2009

    Definitely not! That's how my grandmother and I always did it Last year I got a couple hundred peat pots for free on the side of the road (I guess someone gave up gardening for good), so that's what mine will be in this year, but I'm not usually so fancy. Sometimes I use the plastic trays that...
  11. cointoss

    CT Chickenstock-2009

    Hey All Just checking in... DH is still tackling the t-shirt designs, I'll get on him to finish up. And if you guys go with another design, that's OK, he'll get over it, LOL. Someone had asked about a coffee maker earlier, we can bring one if its still needed. I love the seed/seedling...
  12. cointoss

    CT Chickenstock-2009

    Tell me about it! Looks like today is the beginnning (I hope!) It's 8 am and already 35F outside. Rain should melt the snow...
  13. cointoss

    CT Chickenstock-2009

    We'll be 3, maybe 4. Our girls are on restricted free-range this week, only allowed out for a few hours a day during midday: two nights ago something (we think a fox, but tracks weren't perfect in the slush) padded its way through our yard, right by the henhouse... Seems to have been more...
  14. cointoss

    CT Chickenstock-2009

    We have to get a running start from the road to make it up our driveway this winter... make getting the mail a little difficult, lol! Free bricks -- that's great! Today I'm picking up 18 free canning jars. Not quite as big a haul, but I'm excited DH has been working on the drawings. First...
  15. cointoss

    CT Chickenstock-2009

    I should have a bunch of extra EE's that I'll be bring with me. Oh great! They can be chicks or older pullets, we're not picky I told DH last night about the t-shirt design, and he is really excited to draw something...
  16. cointoss

    CT Chickenstock-2009

    Great, we'll think on it and see what we come up with
  17. cointoss

    CT Chickenstock-2009

    Hmm...DH always has his multitool on him, but I will make him promise not to use it. Count us in! We only have two pullets right now, so nothing to swap, but we are looking to expand with a few EEs. I'm a graphic designer, and DH draws great cartoons, so we'd love to offer up a t-shirt design --...
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