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  1. chickenherd

    Down to one hen now :( Need advice on adding a new flockmate(s)

    Makes sense given airborne activity. Thank you confirming.
  2. chickenherd

    Down to one hen now :( Need advice on adding a new flockmate(s)

    Thank you all thus far so the great responses. Certainly am getting a lot of valuable info even though it seems the main consensus is that... you won't know for sure until you go through with it. I guess given the personalities of each hen, situations are always different. I have a question...
  3. chickenherd

    Down to one hen now :( Need advice on adding a new flockmate(s)

    Thank you for the responses thus far. DobieLover - question, what are your opinions on 7 week old hens. Reason I ask is there are some available to me, and I imagine would be easier to raise as they're past the chick stage. At 7 weeks do you presume they could have already started a pecking...
  4. chickenherd

    Down to one hen now :( Need advice on adding a new flockmate(s)

    I always let them free range during the day in an area that is fenced 6ft high with my other farm animals. She must have climbed the fence somehow and got out. I am absolutely devastated. The free range area is safe but she figured out some way to get over and out. I found her already dead :(
  5. chickenherd

    Down to one hen now :( Need advice on adding a new flockmate(s)

    I only had two sisters, they'd spent their whole lives together. They were around 3.5 years old and last night I lost one to a dog attack. I am devastated. But I am adamant that I need to provide my remaining hen with companionship ASAP as I do not want her to be lonely and become increasingly...
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