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  1. AquaDuck

    The Quack Shack

    It's summer but it's like 15C so she's not getting away with that excuse. :idunno:lau The summer's been excellent so far actually. The last 2 years it was intolerably hot and dry, up to 40C (which is insane for a Scandinavian, probably normal for an Australian ;)) , so far this year it's been...
  2. AquaDuck

    The Quack Shack

    Argh! Angry at my broody duck Lillegull today. She had a perfectly good nest, the best of all the broodies, with lots of bedding and comfort. For some reason she decided to move it 2 feet and is now sitting on bare floor with the eggs rolling away from under her. And they're due in 2 days...
  3. AquaDuck

    The Quack Shack

    Let the latest batch of ducklings go free for the first time, they're too many and too big for their tractor all day. Got to say hi to the teens and one drake, through 3 layers of fence... Since magpie is a dominant pattern, I'm seeing some hidden genotypes in the two ducks I picked up as...
  4. AquaDuck

    The Quack Shack

    Thanks! Yeah, I'm really happy with this little batch! I was gonna sell a couple, but I've decided to keep them all :lau
  5. AquaDuck

    The Quack Shack

    Gonna have to post a few pic's of my cat with ducks. She's been around ducklings and chicks since she was a little kitty, and is so well behaved. (I obviously don't let her see the baby birds unsupervised :rolleyes: ) The ducks can be quite physical and bite her, but she doesn't care and enjoys...
  6. AquaDuck

    The Quack Shack

    I now have 5 broody ducks. FIVE! :th Penny is a dreadful brooder, had to toss out her rotten eggs and lay two dud eggs under her. She's gonna have to co-share Unas' ducklings, as they have the same due-day. Bob and Duckinea started a few days ago and Ariandre today.
  7. AquaDuck

    The Quack Shack

    Hi again everyone! :frow I got 2 broodies now. Unas the old girl is doing well, candled the eggs and they're all fertile. Penny was born last years so it's her first time. And she's terrible :rolleyes: One fertile egg, and 2 have mysteriously disappeared so she's sitting on 4 eggs now. (I think...
  8. AquaDuck

    The Quack Shack

    Haha, she's gonna be so mad at me for moving her into a pen, away from her Chosen Place! :oops:
  9. AquaDuck

    The Quack Shack

    Morning you all! (or good evening or wherever you are) Nature has exploded the last two weeks here, from 1 meter snow to grass zooming into the air. We surpassed spring and went straight to summer. Couldn't be happier! Busy wrangling with birds net for prey protection and, oh my, summer's first...
  10. AquaDuck

    The Quack Shack

    Yes and no. I had 4 adults drakes this winter, separated 2 each in 2 pens with some bullying and fighting. Now I've opened up for free range, and they're all getting along. Two of them are even sitting together like best buds! Space works wonders for male aggression in birds, they like social...
  11. AquaDuck

    The Quack Shack

    I have a big problem. I wanna keep all my ducklings. They're all too pretty! :barnie Look at them, how gorgeous they are! The four grey have the same mother, two different fathers. 3 girls and one drake. The black who's hiding is also a lovely big drake that I wanna keep (but shouldn't). This...
  12. AquaDuck

    The Quack Shack

    Hi everybody! :frow Don't think I've posted in this thread before... Is this where everybody's hiding since the other duck-chat threads are inactive? The snow has finally thawed so much that I could "throw out" the half-grown ducklings today. Of course they jumped right into the creek for a bath!
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