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  1. MooniePie

    Quail chick with mysteriously swollen foot

    Thanks for all of the suggestions, everyone. Earlier today, we tried again to remove the hair with a needle, but with no such luck. We consulted a local bird expert, and he suggested we use depilatory cream, and if that doesn't work, to lance the swollen bits to better reach the hair. So, I...
  2. MooniePie

    Quail chick with mysteriously swollen foot

    It's so swollen over that I could not get the seam ripper in there, and I think the hair may have even begun to cut through her skin. Is there anything else I could try, or is there a possibility that the hair might snap off on it's own?
  3. MooniePie

    Quail chick with mysteriously swollen foot

    I will try, but again, it's very swollen over, and if there is a hair, it will be very tricky to remove it without also injuring her in the process.
  4. MooniePie

    Quail chick with mysteriously swollen foot

    We've also been wondering if that's the case, but it's so swollen over that it's impossible to tell, let alone to try and cut her free.
  5. MooniePie

    Quail chick with mysteriously swollen foot

    Howdy all. We have a small group of quails and are pretty new to chick raising. Lately, I've noticed one has a severely swollen foot that has only gotten worse, and her back toe is shriveled and black. Her feathers are fluffed up and messy, and she's not as skittish as her siblings. I've checked...
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