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  1. D

    Broody let eggs get cold

    That is a good idea because she did it again! Do you then let them out occasionally to eat, drink and poop? Or do you put everything in the pen? Thanks!
  2. D

    Broody let eggs get cold

    Thank you everyone, I candled them today and could see growth on several looked to be around day 16 or 17, but they were moving! I have never seen them move inside the shell before! Others looked only to be around day 8 so I am not sure what will happen with those, especially if the others hatch...
  3. D

    Broody let eggs get cold

    So I had a broody hen that has been sitting on 10 eggs for about 17 days now. I went out to check on things and realized she moved to a new nest box and was sitting on a couple of freshly laid eggs. I have no idea how long, but her eggs are cold to the touch. Are they dead now? I moved her back...
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