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  1. Onslow's Hens

    Gout - Tart Cherry dose?

    Yes, that is the exact one I buy at WM. I open 2 capsules and dissolve it in approx. a tablespoon or two of warm water. Pull it up into a doser, sit him on my lap, sort of under my arm like a football, stick the tip in the side of his beak and when he opens up, squirt it in the back of...
  2. Onslow's Hens

    Gout - Tart Cherry dose?

    I know this thread is old now but for anyone with this same problem - the tart cherry is still working. I give it to him twice a week and so far - he has not had ANY more issues. He even likes it some now.
  3. Onslow's Hens

    Gout - Tart Cherry dose?

    Update - 6 days giving him two tart cherry capsules per day, as he seemed to be more comfortable and the swelling started to go down, reduced him to 1 capsule tart cherry per day as a maintenance dose. Today is day 10 and I am happy to report he is running around normal with very little...
  4. Onslow's Hens

    Gout - Tart Cherry dose?

    janetMarie, So sorry about your rooster not making it. So sad.... Thanks for the info about the feed. I didn't think the 20% was to high protein - combined with the fact that they free range so the feed is really just supplementing what they find on their own. Not really sure why our guys...
  5. Onslow's Hens

    Gout - Tart Cherry dose?

    Me too! Like I said - he is such a good gentle rooster. So people friendly and likes to be held and carried around and talked to. He is a big boy but I let him sit on my lap and pet him. He coos and hangs out. He is our Funny Man. Really hate to see him uncomfortable so I will try anything...
  6. Onslow's Hens

    Gout - Tart Cherry dose?

    What chicken feed is 13 to 15% protein? I looked at every brand I can think of and the lowest I have seen is 16% Layer which then has all the calcium. I give lots of fresh foods and they free range all day long so he is not just eating the All Flock 20%. Realistically probably only 50% of his...
  7. Onslow's Hens

    Gout - Tart Cherry dose?

    As for the dark cracked patches on the backs of his ankles from my post that wyorp referenced above, those are going away after the second scaly leg mite treatment, Not sure if that did the trick or a coincidence. Either way, those areas look 90% better and improving everyday. This issue...
  8. Onslow's Hens

    Gout - Tart Cherry dose?

    Pictures - will try to get some of him this evening and post tomorrow. I am not real good at posting pics but will try. Thanks for the help.
  9. Onslow's Hens

    Gout - Tart Cherry dose?

    ops - message got cut off. I think it is definitely gout. We started him on 2 tart cherry capsules dissolved in a little water and gave it by mouth. He was not happy about the dosing but true to his nice nature, came right back over to be picked up and sit on my lap. It has only been two...
  10. Onslow's Hens

    Gout - Tart Cherry dose?

    I feed an all flock so he is not getting excessive calcium. I have never fed a layer ration. The protein is 20% but he gets lots of extras everyday like fresh veggies and fruits and also does get scratch everyday so that dilutes the protein level even more. They free range all day and always...
  11. Onslow's Hens

    Gout - Tart Cherry dose?

    After much research we are 99.9% certain our Barred Rock rooster has gout. His middle toe on one foot is swollen, at the joints in particular, and sore. He holds up his foot a lot and is limping when he walks. It has been off and on for about 6 months. Thought it was several different things...
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