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  1. RoosterML

    Did I process them to soon?

    Sorry to hear that.
  2. RoosterML

    Did I process them to soon?

    Do you still have some in the flock?
  3. RoosterML

    Did I process them to soon?

    I mean having the Sagittas Roo and hen mate then hatching those eggs. I wonder what those results were like. The Sagittas really look like the Red Royals from Moyers. The black in the tail area comes out as they get older.
  4. RoosterML

    Did I process them to soon?

    I think most of us it’s a hobby and fun project. If you tried those meaty layers they would never breed true. I wonder if anyone has hatched any of the eggs?
  5. RoosterML

    Did I process them to soon?

    That seems like an interesting cross. I would like something I could duplicate at home.
  6. RoosterML

    Did I process them to soon?

    @aart what’s your favorite DP bird? Not impressed with Lav Orp.
  7. RoosterML

    Did I process them to soon?

    Finally ate the first Lav Orp yesterday cooked via rotisserie and not impressed. Leg meat was tough(er) / stringy I believe due to much more of an activity level compared to meat birds. Breast meat was good but not much of it! Flavor I didn’t really notice a significant difference maybe a tad...
  8. RoosterML

    Did I process them to soon?

    Birds were not purchased from a hatchery.
  9. RoosterML

    Did I process them to soon?

    I’ll be cooking this guy on the Ronco Rotisserie so I can compare apples to apples as far as cooking method goes. As far as waiting until about 24 weeks with Orpingtons they would have needed to be separated from the rest. They were starting to be a pain in the butt. I wouldn’t want to deal with...
  10. RoosterML

    Did I process them to soon?

    It was my first time processing a none meat bird. To be specific I processed 4 Lavender Orpington Cockerels roughly 16 weeks old. Also 5 more cockerels that were a cross from a Lavender Cuckoo Orpington Roo and production red hens roughly 12 weeks. Looking at them they were really nice size so I...
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