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  1. smoore7489

    Splayed leg? Vitamin deficiency? Not sure what's wrong.

    Oh I guess I do need to update that! I'm located in Kentucky Thank you! I got some and have been putting it in their water. Update on him: He is limping a little but his foot is no longer twisted now. I'm not sure if it's a vitamin deficiency or not but starting to think it could be an...
  2. smoore7489

    Splayed leg? Vitamin deficiency? Not sure what's wrong.

    I have looked into this and it states you will mainly see this in broiler birds. These chicks are lavender orpington. Will this still be seen in this type of bird?
  3. smoore7489

    Splayed leg? Vitamin deficiency? Not sure what's wrong.

    Quick update on chick: I've given vitamin water and some direct B12 liquid vitamin to it. It is standing and able to catch up to the chicks and mom. Eating and drinking fine but the leg is still twisted and turned inward. Will update again in a day or two.
  4. smoore7489

    Splayed leg? Vitamin deficiency? Not sure what's wrong.

    Thank you! I'll update in a few days to let you all know how this goes. I put rooster booster in the water as well as probiotics (just for good measure). I am also fermenting their feed to insure they absorb as many nutrients as possible.
  5. smoore7489

    Splayed leg? Vitamin deficiency? Not sure what's wrong.

    I have the 'rooster booster' powder that you put into water. Would that work? If not, I'll run to my tractor supply and pick some up today. And you are correct, it is bowed at the hip and turned inward. It's hard for this little one to straighten it out and put weight on it
  6. smoore7489

    Splayed leg? Vitamin deficiency? Not sure what's wrong.

    I know once again this doesnt show exactly what's going on but you can see the curled toes in the 2nd photo and in the 3rd it scoots on its belly that is shown.
  7. smoore7489

    Splayed leg? Vitamin deficiency? Not sure what's wrong.

    Yeah I'll go out there now and take some more pictures. It was hard to last night. But the first one shows how he curls the toes under him, 2nd is how the leg bows out, and third was how the hip looks uneven. I'll take some more though. How do you make the sandles for the little one? I've also...
  8. smoore7489

    Splayed leg? Vitamin deficiency? Not sure what's wrong.

    My Lavender Orpington hen recently hatched out her second set of chicks today. When I lifted her up to see how everything was progressing I saw this one upside down under her. I flipped the baby over and noticed its feet didnt look normal to me. So I waited a few hours, went back and it was a...
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