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  1. Trixe123

    Black comb lethargic

    Yes, they may have as we move their run around, kind of like a chicken tractor.
  2. Trixe123

    Black comb lethargic

    No they do not free range. They have a large grass run.
  3. Trixe123

    Black comb lethargic

    Yes we do free choice grit. There was grit found in the gizzard.
  4. Trixe123

    Black comb lethargic

    Grass was in the crop. There was also some in the gizzard but that is not pictured. I only have the pics I posted. The heart has yellow fat but all other organs appeared to be normal except the intestines that had a chunk of hard feces.
  5. Trixe123

    Black comb lethargic

    We believe the yellow is fat. She did not have an egg inside so not yolk.
  6. Trixe123

    Black comb lethargic

    Thanks for the advice, I was unaware of the state poultry vet. Posting some pics below of what we found in crop and gizzard. As well as other pics.
  7. Trixe123

    Black comb lethargic

    Update: we decide to cull this morning. She continued to be extremely lethargic and had stopped eating and drinking. We did a necropsy and here is what we found. Tons of grass impacted in the crop. Lots of grass in the gizzard and stomach. Rock hard feces stuck in the intestines. Some fat on the...
  8. Trixe123

    Black comb lethargic

    T Thank you for the article, it was very informative. I believe he may have a doughy crop. His condition continues to worsen and I'm not sure if he will survive the night. We will cross our fingers and start again in the morning.
  9. Trixe123

    Black comb lethargic

    Thank you. We have tried all of these but coconut oil, so we could try that. The comb has not picked back up with anything we have done. He does poop but it is clear diarrhea.
  10. Trixe123

    Black comb lethargic

    Really!? She has been mounting the other birds and has layed no eggs. Could it be an impacted egg then?
  11. Trixe123

    Black comb lethargic

    We treated worms with safe guard. As for electrolytes we let him drink some yesterday and the made sure he had plain water for the rest of the evening and the morning them gave him access to a bit more electrolytes but continue to give access to plain water. We checked crop this morning and it...
  12. Trixe123

    Black comb lethargic

    RIR rooster roughly 6 months old. When we went in the the coop yesterday he was just standing there looking weak. He is very lethargic and was not moving much. His comb was dropped and partially black/blue. We brought him inside right away and mixed some hyro-hen because we feared he was...
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