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  1. Mimi13

    Honey Bee Sanctuary - NOT!

    As it stands right now, I plan on beginning beekeeping next spring. I do plan on purchasing some but I just might try to catch some too. That’s a great idea.
  2. Mimi13

    Honey Bee Sanctuary - NOT!

    Well, what do you say?!? So bees, and careless handling:lau, could bring me some Arthur relief. :yesss: Oh the things you learn here on BYC. I’m just kidding about the careless handling, but I might not be about a newbie’s nervousness! ;) Ain’t that the truth. My barn cats here require hardly...
  3. Mimi13

    Honey Bee Sanctuary - NOT!

  4. Mimi13

    Honey Bee Sanctuary - NOT!

    I gotcha!
  5. Mimi13

    Honey Bee Sanctuary - NOT!

    Well, gee thanks, @ewok126. In anything I do, I do try my best at all times. I’ve never been one to half-a** anything. It’s gonna be my all or nothing. Just how I was raised. To quote my granddaddy, “If you don’t have time to do it right the first time, you certainly don’t have time to do it...
  6. Mimi13

    Honey Bee Sanctuary - NOT!

    What do you mean ‘got buried’? Did I miss it?
  7. Mimi13

    Honey Bee Sanctuary - NOT!

    I believe everything baby is adorable! :love
  8. Mimi13

    Honey Bee Sanctuary - NOT!

    :lau I guess they need to be able to see that ‘sweet object’ they’re after flying around! It’ll be the last thing they see! :gig Oh, I kill me! :lau I couldn’t resist.
  9. Mimi13

    Honey Bee Sanctuary - NOT!

    Did your group have any other ideas, etc.?
  10. Mimi13

    Honey Bee Sanctuary - NOT!

    Wow! So much wonderful information that I’ve received. Thank you all, @ewok126, @Apis mellifera, and @WthrLady. @WthrLady, that one pic of your hard working girl is just beautiful. But of course I love the color purple too. :love And your picture of the hive is wonderful. Maybe I will have one...
  11. Mimi13

    Honey Bee Sanctuary - NOT!

  12. Mimi13

    Honey Bee Sanctuary - NOT!

    Well if they’re solitary bees could that be why they are so starved for water? Or does it not work that way?
  13. Mimi13

    Honey Bee Sanctuary - NOT!

    Sure @aart. The more eyes the better. The two bees in the last two pictures look a bit different to me anyway. Hey, and what about that tagable name?!? It’s cool!
  14. Mimi13

    Honey Bee Sanctuary - NOT!

    Look, look, look @WthrLady what I got in the mail today. :wee I’m about to get started reading them. This is the bee book that I had already. It is very interesting as well. Also, changing gears, I wonder if you or anyone could help me identify my little water-loving neighbor bees? They...
  15. Mimi13

    Honey Bee Sanctuary - NOT!

    Wow on all the info and I’m sorry to hear about your stroke. You know, life is short and we have to enjoy it to the fullest. I think all of us on BYC do this by loving our chickens.
  16. Mimi13

    Honey Bee Sanctuary - NOT!

    Truly amazing.
  17. Mimi13

    Honey Bee Sanctuary - NOT!

    Oh mercy, @ewok126, you are a man of a lot of information, that’s for sure and thank you for sharing. The “ghost poop” may be the newest thing for bee waterer rocks, but I have chickens that hunt that stuff down, like a shark to blood or a cat to catnip, or, well, a chicken to styrofoam! :lau...
  18. Mimi13

    Honey Bee Sanctuary - NOT!

    Ah ha! This is perfect. See, @aart, we can do it. I did sign up to go to a quick, 90 minute bee keepers class the beginning of October. It will be complete with the opening of a hive. I will have my answer whether or not I’ll keep bees after that. I don’t want to be overwhelmed by this for sure.
  19. Mimi13

    Honey Bee Sanctuary - NOT!

    Oh yes, I understand completely and that is a great idea and something I’ll most likely do. My burning barrel is about 5’-7’ away from my processing table (where the bee waterers are) and I accidentally burned a small amount of stuff yesterday. I stood there watching the bees and the smoke...
  20. Mimi13

    Honey Bee Sanctuary - NOT!

    Yeah, but @aart, think about how creative you are. I think a lot of the bee keeping items could be recreated, so to speak. Recreated is not he right word, but you know. Ingenuity has always been one of my strong suits and I think yours too. If I do this bee thing, a smoker is a definite...
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