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  1. barg

    Identity Crisis!?!?!?! Any help would be appreciated!

    Nuggetsowner:) : It really doesn't matter to me what variety they are. I am just trying to keep track for my "records". Well, see, here is your problem, you have completely missed the entire jist of this thread, It may not matter to you, but it does matter to US
  2. barg

    Identity Crisis!?!?!?! Any help would be appreciated!

    one more thing, is it possible that the white ones are White Rocks or more likely a white jersey giant and your black ones could be black jersy's and possibly a black star? White jersey from Added: I looked it up, here is the list of possible chickens they should have sent...
  3. barg

    Identity Crisis!?!?!?! Any help would be appreciated!

    Also, if you order 10, they have a 90% chance of being hens so yould expect 1 out of 10 to be a roo... on average.
  4. barg

    Identity Crisis!?!?!?! Any help would be appreciated!

    Your black ones are probably Australorps.... my guess.
  5. barg

    Identity Crisis!?!?!?! Any help would be appreciated!

    Like I said, i don't know anything about cornish but I copied this from mypetchicken... all I have to offer, Added, it seems other hatcheries do not list them as, specificly meat birds, some do some don't but as was stated earlier, it looks as though the cornish crosses are more meat birds then...
  6. barg

    Identity Crisis!?!?!?! Any help would be appreciated!

    ok, I'll jump in again. I know nothing of cornish and that isn't the greatest pic of a comb ive ever seen but, looks like a pea comb to me. While im here, I just posted pics of my 2 chicks last night... of their combs, Wyandott has the rose comb and the EE has a pea See them compared here. That...
  7. barg

    Identity Crisis!?!?!?! Any help would be appreciated!

    My last word on the subject: Time may tell, and it does have yellow legs, but on my moniter the pullet on feathersite looks like a GLW but missy looks More like EE coloring then GLW coloring... again despite the legs. So id'e still guess a cross or a breed I'm not familiar with. GL
  8. barg

    Identity Crisis!?!?!?! Any help would be appreciated!

    Yeah, thats kinda what I was thinking, maybe mixed with partrige. Just seems too brown.
  9. barg

    Identity Crisis!?!?!?! Any help would be appreciated!

    What is the standard of perfection on a glw, I just looked but could'nt find it on the web. Missy seems a little oddly colord in her feathers for a GLW, doesn't she?
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