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  1. UrbanChickie

    Cone Culling Tips

    Update: the latest cull went so smoothly! I had my boning knife professionally sharpened first and I made sure to have a nice strong grip. I think these things get easier with practice. Thanks everyone for the feedback.
  2. UrbanChickie

    Cone Culling Tips

    That's true! Boy do I have a new appreciation for all that's involved in order to eat meat. I'm looking forward to getting more efficient in that whole process.
  3. UrbanChickie

    Cone Culling Tips

    True, but its been really fun letting her do all the work. She's a game bird (maybe OEG), and I think that they really have some strong broody instincts.
  4. UrbanChickie

    Cone Culling Tips

    Not lifting them by it or anything forceful, it's just an easy handle for positioning their head. From the other comments it sounds like I need to get a better full head grip to get that neck straightened out and tight first.
  5. UrbanChickie

    Cone Culling Tips

    Thanks everyone, this has been really helpful. I think my biggest problem was not getting the neck taut. I was using the comb in my left hand just to keep them from wriggling around, but the skin was moving around too much. I've got a broody mama hen that keeps raising babies that I don't need...
  6. UrbanChickie

    Cone Culling Tips

    I've culled a few birds now and have not quite gotten my cone technique down yet. Could anyone give me very specific instructions on making the cuts? I've always sharpened my boning knife, and usually grab the bird by the comb for stability. I've found it very hard getting a good cut though, and...
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