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  1. Kayla's Lunch

    Double Coated Dog Breeds (More Specifically:Blow Outs)

    I was a member of the Yahoo group on rawfeeding (now on Facebook) with thousands of members. They haven't had any of the dogs become aggressive. Some dogs may be more possessive of their food because they finally have "good" food worth protecting. My Pyr would snarl viciously at the Golden as he...
  2. Kayla's Lunch

    Double Coated Dog Breeds (More Specifically:Blow Outs)

    Sorry, I guess I didn't make it clear. I'VE HAD all those different dogs, plus some others. Some I listed because of the amount of fur they had. I've never had more than 4 dogs at a time. I've been feeding a raw diet for over 20 years. When I first started, I saw my vet bills reduce drastically...
  3. Kayla's Lunch

    Double Coated Dog Breeds (More Specifically:Blow Outs)

    Basically, you feed a lot of raw meat, a little bone. Some people add pureed veggies or cooked veggies, some don't. In general I feed chicken leg quarters (they're cheap) and boneless pork. So, depending on size, my dogs get a leg quarter and chunk of pork. When I find cheap beef, they get that...
  4. Kayla's Lunch

    Double Coated Dog Breeds (More Specifically:Blow Outs)

    When I took my dogs and cats off of commercial dog food and started feeding them a raw diet, the shedding decreased dramatically. No more puff balls all over the house, no more crazy blow out for the seasonal shedding. I've had 2 Samoyeds, a Great Pyr, 3 Golden Retrievers, and a few mixed...
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