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  1. CCsRanch

    Mean rooster

    Chicken soup from that mean Rooster wasn't too bad. And news is that last week the old red hen hurt by him last Oct finally STARTED laying again! She's the only one with a light brown egg, so I know it's her! Bottom left in pic.!
  2. CCsRanch

    Mean rooster

    Their 'perch' is 6' tall so would be hard to get him at night from up there. BUT I moved the crate into the area just now so he'd be used to seeing it, and put some straw into it. Two hens went looking into it, then Roo walked in alone and I LOCKED HIM IN! Thanks for the idea! So I'll give him...
  3. CCsRanch

    Mean rooster

    Today for the first time the hurt hen ate some mealy worms out of my hand. And she can open/see out the right eye finally. Both eyes been closed up since she had her head all pecked up. I let her back loose with the others but will keep an eye on the Roo. If I can catch him he may go for...
  4. CCsRanch

    Mean rooster

    Thanks for the ideas. I went to TSC and got some spray that should help. She didn't like it but I'll try to do 3-4 times a day as it says. Can fly spray be used on chickens? I may have to do that. And will try human antibiotic ointment soon. I think I'll catch him and put him in a big plastic...
  5. CCsRanch

    Mean rooster

    Yep pretty sure it was him. They have all the space they need in and around an old 4 stall horse barn.
  6. CCsRanch

    Mean rooster

    Nope, hens seem to get along fine. I don't think a raccoon would have been inside the barn in day time. He was still trying to get at her when I came into the barn. I had to shoo him away from her with a pole.
  7. CCsRanch

    Mean rooster

    I have seen a skunk in there, and less a year ago something killed 3 hens in the barn in the morning by taking their heads off. Thats why I got 4 new chicks in April. :)
  8. CCsRanch

    Mean rooster

    No, they're just loose within the barn. They sleep on top of the 6' tall pen/cage. It's been there since they got it moved so wouldn't have to be outside in the snow!
  9. CCsRanch

    Mean rooster

    Yep. Of the older 4 hens this one was the leader. And one of the young hens has been picked on a bit more by the rooster. I thought she was molting but has been roosting on the stairs going up into barn loft vs. on top of the pen/coop where all the rest still go at night.
  10. CCsRanch

    Mean rooster

    Yes, her head is bleeding and she can't open her eyes. I left some mealy worms near her and halves of grapes. Need to look if she's ate them. Will see if I can figure out how to add the picture. ... I'm not positive but fairly sure it was him. They are free range and sleep on top of big fenced...
  11. CCsRanch

    Mean rooster

    Yes, her head is bleeding and she can't open her eyes. I left some mealy worms near her and halves of grapes. Need to look if she's ate them. Will see if I can figure out how to add the picture. ...
  12. CCsRanch

    Mean rooster

    Help! I'll try to look around at previous notes, but one of our 4 'pullets' turned out to be a rooster. He's six months old and not been too mean to the hens until yesterday, when I found that one of the two year old hens we have has been injured on the head and won't move or eat. I separated...
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