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  1. SunriseChickers

    Missing Chicken :'(

    Did you just make this up? What's the tune, if there is one? I love it. :P
  2. SunriseChickers

    Missing Chicken :'(

    Yeah, I've already had a broody once. I let her sit and she eventually gave up. That's really nice of you to offer but I'm on the other side of the continent, unfortunately. Thanks.
  3. SunriseChickers

    Missing Chicken :'(

    Haha! Found her! We looked in the garage several times but didn't hear or see a thing. When one of my other girls came inside and followed me to the garage when I was filling up the feeder, Sunset heard her clucking and popped out of wherever she was hiding. At least she had access to food, lol...
  4. SunriseChickers

    Missing Chicken :'(

    She's a Rhode Island Red. She has been acting strange lately. She got herself a little perch that's pretty hard to get to, and one of the others did go up there sometimes too. Come to think of it, the was chrrrrring like a broody. Maybe she ran off to find a nesting spot? There are no roosters...
  5. SunriseChickers

    Missing Chicken :'(

    Yeah, a week was going to be it. They are all almost a year and a half old, I checked all the nests. I thought it must be a predator, bud with no trace I was skeptical. What kind of predators can pull off a clean assassination? :confused: No! My dad asked if she could be up in the trees and I...
  6. SunriseChickers

    Missing Chicken :'(

    I live in North Eastern USA, it's been dark quite a while. I got out late, so we were searching with flashlights.
  7. SunriseChickers

    Missing Chicken :'(

    So tonight, around 9, I went out to put away my six girls. Usually there are a couple on the saw horses from last year's construction of the big coop, one or two on the top of the little coop, and one or two inside the little coop. Tonight there were four perched on the saw horse, one in the...
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