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  1. WVduckchick

    Getting Goat kids

    I have a lot of catching up to do here, but my little monsters are being little monsters. :lol: the smaller one still runs from my Pug dog, but they are doing very well overall. The chickens and ducks are finally used to them being around and don’t go crazy. Thanks for asking!
  2. WVduckchick

    Getting Goat kids

    Wellllll….. my neighbor had offered to let the goats sleep in his dog kennel. He has kind of an elaborate setup, as he used to breed Brittny Spaniels. But with them being so young, I've started off keeping them inside the office. Now I've been able to let them out some, and walk around with...
  3. WVduckchick

    Getting Goat kids

    I think there are some articles here, in the Learning Center about egg eaters. It’s a tough habit to break in some chickens. I remember some ideas on blowing out eggs and replacing the insides with funky mixtures, like cayenne pepper, etc. Mustard too, maybe? Collecting eggs more often helps...
  4. WVduckchick

    Getting Goat kids

    I’m in north-western WV, almost as far north as the southern border of PA :D We built a little temp fence outside the office room where the goats are staying while it’s cold. Now they can come outside a little. Today isn’t too bad, but it’s supposed to rain later. My pug Dudley still wants to...
  5. WVduckchick

    Getting Goat kids

    Normal around here. When we get snow, it usually disappears before we get any more. We get very few days in a row that don’t get above freezing. 16”? You must be in norther PA?
  6. WVduckchick

    Getting Goat kids

    Oh yea. They are a blast. When do you get your new ones?
  7. WVduckchick

    Getting Goat kids

    Saw this in a video on FB :gig Took mine outside on leashes today too! They did very well. Except they wanted to stay on the concrete porch instead of in the grass. Lol! The ground is pretty much frozen, but we have gotten above freezing today and the sun is shining, thank goodness.
  8. WVduckchick

    Getting Goat kids

    Omg! How cute! One of mine is naturally polled. The other isn’t. He just has little buttons now, but this breeder doesn’t dehorn hers. How late can it be done? Yes! I went out to let them run around for a little while, but didn’t take a bottle yet. The little one absolutely loves his bottle...
  9. WVduckchick

    Getting Goat kids

    Ok, whose goats like to chew their hair? Dexter just bit about 2” off my hair. Just a few hairs, but still! Lol I had to pull it out of his mouth :lau
  10. WVduckchick

    Getting Goat kids

    Great info! Thanks so much I’ve already learned that mine like to chew on power cords. I’m having to block off so much. They are staying in our home office (part of my garage) at the moment, until they can go outside. And the little boogers can already jump so well!! Amazes me. “Dexter” loves...
  11. WVduckchick

    Getting Goat kids

    Two boys. I plan to wether them in a few more weeks. I wouldn’t mind having milk at some point, but thought starting with a couple wethers would be easiest for me. Names I haven’t totally decided yet. I’ve been testing out Dinky on the smaller one, and Dexter on the larger one, but we’ll see if...
  12. WVduckchick

    Getting Goat kids

    Tell me about it. :lau Glutton for punishment. They are just too dang cute.
  13. WVduckchick

    Getting Goat kids

    I got 2 ND bottle babies today! :wee Both 3 weeks old.
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