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  1. Quackattack717

    Tell me about Welsh Harlequin Ducklings!

    The babes updated digs! Hoping for less of a water mess and also them having enough water and not running out which was happening this last week with the quart and container water. May need to find out a way to still put the container water in for them to clean their nose. Thank you for the...
  2. Quackattack717

    Tell me about Welsh Harlequin Ducklings!

    When we built our coop there was the “coop” & the “run” with a door that closes in between. We’ve kinda just turned it into one big coop and have the Rouen separate from the muscovies because they are mean to her especially in a smaller space. We’re not exactly sure what we’re doing when the WH...
  3. Quackattack717

    Tell me about Welsh Harlequin Ducklings!

    Is it normal for our older ducks to be mean to the younger ducks? Our muscovies are mean to Shadow our Rouen which is much younger than them (they chase her away from the area they are in if they don’t want her near) and they nip at her sometimes. And all of them are mean to our WH when we...
  4. Quackattack717

    Tell me about Welsh Harlequin Ducklings!

    I have been leaving food out for them 24/7 but they are about to be 6 weeks old. You perviously said up until 5 weeks so I was planning on starting breakfast & dinner like the rest of our flock gets. They haven’t been dumping their food as much as their water because one of them is always...
  5. Quackattack717

    Tell me about Welsh Harlequin Ducklings!

    It’s crazy how big they are! They are the same size as our 14 week old Rouen! She is so tiny! We are so excited for what beautiful ducks they are becoming! Why do they need a new feeder? We only feed our adult ducks 1/4 cup in the AM and 1/4 cup in the evenings. The babies have definitely...
  6. Quackattack717

    Tell me about Welsh Harlequin Ducklings!

    Brooder question for everyone: I need new ideas for their waterer, up until now they’ve been using what you see pictures. (1 quart & a container for them to get their nostrils into) on the catch pans. We’ll they’ve become to big and every time we get home they’ve spilled both of their waterers...
  7. Quackattack717

    Tell me about Welsh Harlequin Ducklings!

    Photo overload coming at ya! Nibbles & Mellow are enjoying their time outside, they free ranged for awhile while we were out with them including some creek time. They are hanging out their soon to be home now!
  8. Quackattack717

    Tell me about Welsh Harlequin Ducklings!

    Not really. Been a very busy week with work so we haven’t got to spend much time with them, with the time change it’s dark & cold when we get home! I’ve been giving it to them in their waterer, and they’ve been drinking all of it. They seem happy and healthy. I’m not sure if one is still having...
  9. Quackattack717

    Tell me about Welsh Harlequin Ducklings!

    So you think I should return and get the other stuff even though it’s for cattle and larger animals?
  10. Quackattack717

    Tell me about Welsh Harlequin Ducklings!

    Says 50mg of niacinamide.
  11. Quackattack717

    Tell me about Welsh Harlequin Ducklings!

    So my husband once again didn’t listen. He went shopping this weekend because I had to get work done for my job. And he got this instead because the stuff you said to get didn’t say it was for poultry. So before I open and use this, will this do the trick or should I return it and get the...
  12. Quackattack717

    Tell me about Welsh Harlequin Ducklings!

    Alright. Thank you so much for all the help! I’ll have to look for the liquid when I go this weekend. My husbands not really good at looking around to find stuff!
  13. Quackattack717

    Tell me about Welsh Harlequin Ducklings!

    Yes. I fill their food bowl up in the A.M. before I leave for work and give them fresh water. Then my husband checks on them when he gets home and will give them more if they are out, and then when we do our farm chores around 6ish they get fresh water and their bowl filled up before bedtime...
  14. Quackattack717

    Tell me about Welsh Harlequin Ducklings!

    I would say they’re acting okay. I haven’t really seen any drainage since a few weekends ago when I first posted about it. They’re definitely different from my first ducklings I raised and I’m trying not to compare them because they’re kinda like kids in that your second one isn’t going to be...
  15. Quackattack717

    Tell me about Welsh Harlequin Ducklings!

    Sounds good! I will pick some up tonight hopefully since we need feed for everyone too! Are you saying I need to give this to them because of their clumsiness or do you think it will help with the possible other issues going on with them? Our Rouens were so easy to raise, only sneezed once and...
  16. Quackattack717

    Tell me about Welsh Harlequin Ducklings!

    Thank you thank you thank you! You’ve made me feel a lot better about my WH ducklings. We chose WH because they’re suppose to be a super calm and friendly breed but our Rouens were much friendly at this age than they are so that made me nervous. But you saying yours warmed up to you in time...
  17. Quackattack717

    Tell me about Welsh Harlequin Ducklings!

    Everyone tell me about your WH ducklings if you’ve ever had any! My two babies are super clumsy but I don’t know if that’s normal or not because I am have only raised two Rouen ducklings before them and they were not clumsy but the circumstances were different with the Rouens, they got out more...
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