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  1. FernbergFarms

    chickens pecked out other's neck feathers....

    Update: I put her back with the flock and her feathers grew back and is fine now!
  2. FernbergFarms

    chickens pecked out other's neck feathers....

    and what breed is your rooster?!? hes SO pretty!!!! is he nice? would you recommend that as a good breed? how big is your coop? and how big should my coop be? thx!
  3. FernbergFarms

    chickens pecked out other's neck feathers....

    yes pretty much correct , but i live in Minnesota and the coop is 4'by10' well a little over. the space under the coop is in there quart yard so its fenced in. I let them free range somedays so there not cooped up all the time... today I was going to let her back with the flock cuz the longer...
  4. FernbergFarms

    chickens pecked out other's neck feathers....

    Their perch is a long piece of wood screwed to the side wall. Ya that might be smart to put a window in back there's not a ton of light. And they LOVE to dig so they probably love that pine shavings idea!! I'm gonna try to free range them tomorrow and let the other two back with them then.
  5. FernbergFarms

    chickens pecked out other's neck feathers....

    Okay. Her skin is red/pink. So do you think I could free range them with the snow? we have about 7-10inches.. Cuz I would like to get her back with every body. She doesn't defend herself very much, when they pack her she just gets out of the way. And none of my chickens go on their perch, is...
  6. FernbergFarms

    chickens pecked out other's neck feathers....

    Oh and I will send that other stuff a little later
  7. FernbergFarms

    chickens pecked out other's neck feathers....

    And should I keep her separated till her feathers grow back or what?
  8. FernbergFarms

    chickens pecked out other's neck feathers....

    Thanks @CindyinSD we have a lean - to in the back of our garage that is very close to our coop rn , and we were gonna build a bigger one with that. Which we will be building soon so I'm not too worried about the space rn. And @Ridgerunner yes I did mean that.. And last night I put Vanilla (the...
  9. FernbergFarms

    chickens pecked out other's neck feathers....

    I 'll post more inside picture s tomorrow and the dimensions tomorrow as wwell
  10. FernbergFarms

    chickens pecked out other's neck feathers....

    They have 3 windows and the back is partially lit up.
  11. FernbergFarms

    chickens pecked out other's neck feathers....

    the picture didn't get the back half of the coop and my chickens don't even go in the back, its strange... you think she could just be molting? shes pretty young though. does that matter? and we let our chickens free range a lot so there not always in the coop if they don't want to be.
  12. FernbergFarms

    chickens pecked out other's neck feathers....

    Here is a.picture of my chickens coop, Vanilla Bean (the white chicken is the one with no neck feathers), and the last chicken is Obama. So the black chicken in the last picture is kinda like the "ring leader". Sorry these pictures have TERRIBLE quality!!! I hope you can see every thing if you...
  13. FernbergFarms

    chickens pecked out other's neck feathers....

    okay, so I have 8 chickens, all hens. they are going to be one year old in April. I feed them layer feed and I give them a lot of compost.( squash, carrots, oranges, lettuce, etc..) ill send a picture of my coop and her neck this afternoon. they have a pretty good size coop... they can go in...
  14. FernbergFarms

    chickens pecked out other's neck feathers....

    So yesterday I went to my chicken coop and noticed one of my chickens whole back neck feathers were gone... and a couple of my other chickens had been pecking at her and a couple other chickens were getting pecked too (not as bad). She had been bleeding a little and I thought since they were...
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