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  1. aart

    chickens pecked out other's neck feathers....

    Adequate space(s), diet... ...and some 'chicken juggling'(mixing and matching who is with who and where). Would love to help find a solution, but need to see inside coop, know the dimensions of it... ...and I'm not even sure how many birds are involved.
  2. aart

    chickens pecked out other's neck feathers....

    Not sure you should keep her isolated 24/7 until feathers grow back. Not a fan of blukote, have had bird preen it off themselves reopening wounds. Pecking is not just 'I see red' issue(or none of them would have combs left), it's a behavioral problem and should be addressed as such.
  3. aart

    chickens pecked out other's neck feathers....

    At 8 months old she could be having partial molt. What are the dimension so of the coop? More pics inside and out, please. Lose all 'compost' and stick with the layer feed only...or add animal protein treats.
  4. aart

    chickens pecked out other's neck feathers....

    Yes, please. ...and tell us more about your flock. -your flock size(numbers, ages, genders), -your coop(size in feet by feet with pics), -and what all and how exactly you are feeding Also @happy eggs yard Where in this world are you located? Climate, and time of year, is almost always a...
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