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  1. ChickenCanoe

    Why don't people listen... Rant

    We've had a couple days of snow, just half inch and dustings. When I went out to the coops yesterday, there were several sets of tracks one was clearly a fox, another a coyote and some raccoon/opossum plus lots of rabbit and squirrel tracks. Coyotes have been the worst predator for me this last...
  2. ChickenCanoe

    Why don't people listen... Rant

    It is probably the same reason that people keep letting their cats roam outdoors. They get run over by cars, killed by coyotes and other animals, eat bad things, get sick and die. Yet, they get more cats and let them outside. Habit or stupidity.
  3. ChickenCanoe

    Why don't people listen... Rant

    When I was in the army, I vacationed in Tossa de Mar. That was almost 50 years ago.
  4. ChickenCanoe

    Why don't people listen... Rant

    Perhaps I'll be fortunate enough to make it to Catalonia. It is on my bucket list. Vilafranca del Penedes.
  5. ChickenCanoe

    Why don't people listen... Rant

    I knew I liked you. I'm odd too but maybe more than a bit. There is an old folks home down the road from me but the property is pretty big and extends behind my property. A neighbor's malamutes got out and just minutes after opening one of the coops I brought water out and there was a dog...
  6. ChickenCanoe

    Why don't people listen... Rant

    Black Penedesenca
  7. ChickenCanoe

    Why don't people listen... Rant

    I have actually refused to sell birds to several people. A friend of my wife's had been buying eggs from her and he decided he wanted to start raising his own and wanted to buy some chicks from me. Over and over I tried to talk him out of it and I offered to find some other breeds for him. He...
  8. ChickenCanoe

    Why don't people listen... Rant

    An acquaintance once said, "ugly people know they're ugly, fat people know they're fat, but stupid people don't know they're stupid."
  9. ChickenCanoe

    Why don't people listen... Rant

    So very true. While reading this I was thinking I need to put people through that application process before I sell them chickens. With the small gene pool for my breed, I'm heartbroken when I sell some nearly perfect birds and hear about them being killed. I probably wouldn't feel that way if I...
  10. ChickenCanoe

    Why don't people listen... Rant

    People should look into learning a bit of elementary carpentry. You can easily build one twice the size and better design for a quarter that price.
  11. ChickenCanoe

    Why don't people listen... Rant

    It is an improvement but probably very expensive for what it is. The cold won't be the issue the lack of ventilation is. Why do they put so much money, effort and space into unneeded nest boxes.
  12. ChickenCanoe

    Why don't people listen... Rant

    Boy, do I feel you on that. I've made the mistake of agreeing to sell chicks to several people who didn't really have the wherewithal to properly care for them. I still fret for those birds even more than the ones that were taken by predation on my property.
  13. ChickenCanoe

    Why don't people listen... Rant

    I think people don't listen because you aren't telling them what they want to hear - not what they need to hear. I've been through this so many times. On this site, people have even attacked me when I didn't give the advice they wanted to hear calling me names like hateful and rude. That kind...
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