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  1. Oolala

    Why don't people listen... Rant

    How can someone own chickens and not be devastated when something happens to them and then just keep replacing them without trying to prevent what happened in the first place. The first and only time a dog got in my garden and killed one of my girls i put in wire fencing all around and blocked...
  2. Oolala

    Why don't people listen... Rant

    I think a lot of people just think to go and buy a few chickens, it will be great, we will get lots of FREE eggs every day!!! All we need is a little box for them to sleep and lay in, throw them a bit of grain, little do they know how much work is involved and believe me there is no such thing...
  3. Oolala

    Why don't people listen... Rant

    Loved reading your rants, people like that should not keep animals, all animals need the interaction, care and love of a human to survive and be happy and healthy
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