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  1. J

    Why don't people listen... Rant

    I think she needs to decide whether she wants chickens or (these particular) dogs and get rid of one or the other. With all she's invested in her coop and run, I personally would find homes for those dogs and perhaps get dogs that are gentler around poultry.
  2. J

    Why don't people listen... Rant

    They definitely do not, Terri. The biggest predator losses I ever had were from dogs. A neighbor's Chesapeake retriever kept coming over from nearly a mile away, tearing open my quail pens and killing everything. I waited until I caught it in the act. And another dog killed my fancy geese from...
  3. J

    Why don't people listen... Rant

    I just got an ad from Tractor Supply for pre-fab coops and runs. I buy my feed both from them and from our local feed store, whichever happens to be more convenient at a given moment. Some of the Tractor Supply coops are nicer than what I've seen in other stores but not one of them would be...
  4. J

    Why don't people listen... Rant

    I may be going out on a limb here and I apologize in advance if I am, but IMHO most of the pre-fab coop and run combos I've seen in stores are "toys". If you go that route (I'm no talented carpenter myself and in some cases might be tempted), it pays to shop around. For 15 birds you'd need a...
  5. J

    Why don't people listen... Rant

    I hope I'm not going out on a limb here, but I've seen very few pre-fab coops/coop-run combos that IMHO were little more than toys. And believe me I've looked, because even though I've raised poultry all my life I am no carpenter! Even some of the ones I've seen that looked halfway decent still...
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