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  1. flippyshoes

    Going into lockdown with saddle shaped air cell

    This one is in the house but can hear my other chickens making noises outside, she seems happy enough. I'm incubating some more so if I cant find her a friend before then atleast she will have some eventually
  2. flippyshoes

    Going into lockdown with saddle shaped air cell

    Unfortunately not in my area, no one has them anywhere near me. I've tries finding her any breed of chick for company aswel but no one is hatching. She seems happy enough, but I will keep searching bless her.
  3. flippyshoes

    Going into lockdown with saddle shaped air cell

    That's lucky you found someone so close. They are buff orpingtons, no one anywhere near me has any. Atleast I got 1 little baby, very sad to see it on it's own though. Can't find any chicks for sale that I could get to keep her company. The trouble of living in the middle of no where
  4. flippyshoes

    Going into lockdown with saddle shaped air cell

    I will have to look that up. This is the only one out of 6 that wasn't completely scrambled
  5. flippyshoes

    Going into lockdown with saddle shaped air cell

    Haha, I feel mean calling her an it, she might well be a he but never mind
  6. flippyshoes

    Going into lockdown with saddle shaped air cell

    Yes, it was the only egg that made it to lock down. I'm not buying shipped eggs again that's for sure
  7. flippyshoes

    Going into lockdown with saddle shaped air cell

    Well it's day 21 and she has pipped and is working away nicely at the hole. So excited
  8. flippyshoes

    Going into lockdown with saddle shaped air cell

    Thank you for the reply, it has been turned several times a day, so I have taken your advice and placed it in an egg carton Thank you
  9. flippyshoes

    Going into lockdown with saddle shaped air cell

    Hi, my one little survivor has made it to day 17, she has a saddle shaped air cell, do I still lie her down flat for lockdown tomorrow? A friend suggested putting it in an egg carton to keep it upright? It's been incubated upright so far, but not sure how to approach lockdown with it. Thanks
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