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  1. Bridger Davis

    Duck emergency!

    Ok, thanks! I'm really not sure because they all nest together and between the 6 of them, I've gotten about 3 or 4 eggs the last few days...
  2. Bridger Davis

    Duck emergency!

    Ok will do! It's still in for now, so I guess that's good! Thanks for the help, I appreciate it and so does she!!:frow
  3. Bridger Davis

    Duck emergency!

    So I followed those steps, and it went back in on the first try. Then a minute later, I picked her up and it was out again. I repeated and picked her up a minute later and it was still in. Is that all I can do now? Is there anything else?
  4. Bridger Davis

    Duck emergency!

    Ok I'll try it now.
  5. Bridger Davis

    Duck emergency!

    I don't think so. I have vaseline though, I read that can be used to help get it back in...?
  6. Bridger Davis

    Duck emergency!

    I can't bring her inside, but there's still enough daylight to do it outside. How do I reinsert it? What do I do if it pops out again?
  7. Bridger Davis

    Duck emergency!

    @casportpony @Miss Lydia @WannaBeHillBilly What should I do about this? Will she be alright overnight? It will get dark soon... She's acting fine and hanging out with the other ones now, but should I do anything about that red thing? Please help, Thanks!
  8. Bridger Davis

    Duck emergency!

    Alright I hope these pictures. Help. BTW, the bone below the vent that I was feeling earlier can also be felt on my other ducks, so I don't think it's actually a concern, I think I'm probably just paranoid considering I've never really dealt with this before...
  9. Bridger Davis

    Duck emergency!

    Sure I will ASAP. brb.
  10. Bridger Davis

    Duck emergency!

    I found a picture online.... It looks like this. I googled it and it would appear to be a prolapsed vent...? So what do I do?
  11. Bridger Davis

    Duck emergency!

    A few days ago, I posted in concern of my Cayuga duck that is almost 1 year old. She was isolating herself and seemed to have a pronounced bulge type thing in her chest area. The next day, it was gone, so I didn't worry about her. But today when I picked her up, I realized that not only did she...
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