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  1. Oolala

    Rats burrowing under coop

    Will try this, thank you
  2. Oolala

    Rats burrowing under coop

    Thats my thought too, I give the girls a good feed before bedtime so it sould tide them over until I drag myself out of bed in the morning, they also have a good sized run they can scratch around to keep them busy and at this time of year it doesnt 8.30.
  3. Oolala

    Rats burrowing under coop

    If only it was that simple!!! We have two cats, the one is a brilliant hunter, rabbits, pigeons, mice, no problem, rats???not interested, infact with two cats our house was recently over run with mice, we were catching up to six a day sometimes, it took months to get rid of them all with us...
  4. Oolala

    Rats burrowing under coop

    I too have a rat problem, they are burrowing under the coop and have even chewed away the concrete floor in places. I have used poison sachets which I push down into the holes they have made then use a large slab to cover them so the chickens cannot get to them, I also used to leave a dish of...
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