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  1. gtaus

    Chicken Inborn Instincts

    It has been my experience that dogs will find a way to get out of the house or off the leash/chain. Have you tried putting a 2 foot predator apron around your coop/chicken run? I have seen simple aprons like that just laid down on the ground with a bit of dirt thrown on top of the wire to let...
  2. gtaus

    Chicken Inborn Instincts

    I really don't know how different American Bresse are, genetically, from the "true" French Bresse. But we all know that raising chickens in different climates, on different food, etc... can make a difference in the quality/taste of the meat and eggs. Also, from what limited information I have...
  3. gtaus

    Chicken Inborn Instincts

    I watched a YouTube video by the Swedish Homestead on his experience with the Bresse chicken. Evidently he is all in for the Bresse as his main breed because they perform better than other dual purpose breeds he has raised. I looked to buy some locally, but nobody offered them last year when I...
  4. gtaus

    Chicken Inborn Instincts

    Very nice story. I think your picture posts did not come out correctly. There was no picture for the 6 Bresse pic, and the 4 mixed breed pic looks like your 6 Bresse chicks. Anyway, I hope to hear more about your Bresse chicks as they grow. Where did you get them from? Nobody locally to me...
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