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  1. Phillisy

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    Sent 😊
  2. Phillisy

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    This will now be my explanation for EVERYTHING!! Including, but not limited to, the 3 new breeds of chickens, 1 new duck breed, quail, and all my grow out geese I’ve added to the farm this year so far... and the year is still young 😂
  3. Phillisy

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    6 out of 10 on shipped eggs is a commendable hatch rate, you did great! Your incubation problems may have been due to them being shipped too, but a new incubator is always nice 😉
  4. Phillisy

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    Awh 😊 I hope you share pictures of both! What breed is your mare?
  5. Phillisy

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    Day 18 is when you stop turning, so you’ll know for sure what’s going on with those two soon 😉
  6. Phillisy

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    Baby pile ❤️ I never realize how quickly they’re growing, until I pop a new batch of day olds in with them! The Cayuga are only 4 days old and the other WH are 8, but the size difference... 😂
  7. Phillisy

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    I’m probably going to completely butcher this description, but I believe scissor beak is caused by the structure of the skull not being correct (due to incorrect incubation, vitamin deficiency of the parent flock, shipped eggs, frozen eggs, or random fluke) so as the skull plates grow it will...
  8. Phillisy

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    If you have minky blanket (polyester) that may hold heat better than a towel. And, if you have a hot water bottle and a gas stove or BBQ, you could always scoop some water out of the reservoir tank on the back of your toilet and boil it 🤷‍♀️ desperate times. I hope your power comes back on soon! :fl
  9. Phillisy

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    If there aren’t any in the incubator with external pips, I would go ahead and candle them to see what’s going on. Pay particular attention to see if the air cell has sucked down since lockdown (indicating the chick got into hatching position), if there is any shadowing on the back of the air...
  10. Phillisy

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    Just posted my entry 😊 All my babies hatched but one... it made it to lockdown, but unfortunately it was breach and unable to get in a position to get out 😢.
  11. Phillisy

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

  12. Phillisy

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    I’m with ya! I had one external pip yesterday morning, and it’s still that way now (although it has made a little progress since then). Got another external today, and everyone else is in the air cell. Technically they’re not “due” until tomorrow, but I’m getting impatient waiting to see if this...
  13. Phillisy

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    Thank you 😊 Murphy’s law says the key is to not really be looking for them, or to not have the extra room or $$, then they show up everywhere 😂
  14. Phillisy

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    Agreed! I’m just gonna casually pop them in the brooder with all the yellow Welsh babies, and play dumb if anyone questions them lol.
  15. Phillisy

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    I may have just bought a thing... or 4 😂. I was playing with the idea of crossing my Welsh Harlequin boys with Cayuga girls, to get some fun colours, and someone local had these (she had 2 Cayuga hens, a Rouen hen, and a mixed hen in with a Cayuga drake), hatched yesterday, so I inquired and as...
  16. Phillisy

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    That’s the hard part about keeping uncommon breeds or colours; on one hand you’re one of the few who has them so you have bragging rights and they’re worth more, but on the other hand it’s incredibly hard and expensive to bring in new lines. It definitely has to be a breed you enjoy working...
  17. Phillisy

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    They do look like they’ve been through a dryer! Someone must have washed them at home when the label said dry clean only. I don’t think I’ve ever come across anyone who’s had them, especially with naturally occurring Silkie genes. They’re adorable! Keeping my fingers crossed for you :fl
  18. Phillisy

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    Bantam Silkie Cochin?! *goes to google to look up pictures* didn’t even know that was a thing! Oh no... I have the means to try to make standard ones 🤔 😂 Are they a project of yours, or did you purchase eggs? (I’m sure you mentioned it somewhere on the thread, but it moves so fast I probably...
  19. Phillisy

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    You’re most welcome 😊 I’m glad you found it helpful!
  20. Phillisy

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    Our BP Brahma has 6, and the other boys were grow outs that were in the bachelor pad until yesterday (sold them, finally!). We hatched an absurd amount of roosters last year, like 75% 🤦🏻‍♀️ It’s so hard with the Brahma because they mature so slow that I have to wait forever to choose who to...
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