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  1. beth1004

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    What do you recommend re a good hygrometer?
  2. beth1004

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    We have a scissor beak splash Ameraucana. The grandkids love her. We call her fiskars. She is separate from the other Ameraucanas because I don’t know if the scissor beak is genetic or an injury. I just trim her beak periodically.
  3. beth1004

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    I didn’t see anything. I tapped on the eggs and didn’t hear anything. Hopefully, I’ll wake up tomorrow and find some more babies.
  4. beth1004

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    Alright, I have 4 eggs left in the incubator. Yesterday was day 21. I can‘t see any pips. Should I candle them? Wait until tomorrow? After this is over, I have a few questions. I definitely am excited by the chicks that hatched but the percentage is so poor. The temps and humidity...
  5. beth1004

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    Amazon delivery! Congrats.
  6. beth1004

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    So, many of you know that I have 2 hatched going 1 at my house and 1 at my daughters. So I’m going to copy and paste the text she sent me this morning. All she had in her incubator are Ameraucana eggs. “Dreamt about the dumb eggs all night - last dream I went in to check and the one egg...
  7. beth1004

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    1 chick hatched. 2 more pips. Over at my daughter’s house, she has a pip.
  8. beth1004

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

  9. beth1004

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

  10. beth1004

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    Thank you!!
  11. beth1004

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    I did enter a cake that the grands helped decorate.
  12. beth1004

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    Did you enter that in the edible dessert contest?
  13. beth1004

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    1-2 years old. The rooster and 2 of the hens are new to me. I’ve hatched my original Ameraucana eggs before with a broody.
  14. beth1004

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    So is the ratio of 5 hens to 1 rooster too much?
  15. beth1004

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    Hey all, I candled my eggs last night and the other day was accurate. I have 2 incubators going at 2 different houses. I candled the ones at my house. I set 22 eggs. 6 didn’t do anything. 3 I’m not sure. I took those 9 out. I may have a couple early quitters. These were all my eggs...
  16. beth1004

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    They are so cute.
  17. beth1004

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    I candled 22 of the eggs last night. I didn't see anything happening in 8 of the eggs. The other 12 are at our daughter's house. She hasn't candled those yet. Not sure why so many look like nothing is happening possibly too old. I didn't think to mark when I started saving them for this...
  18. beth1004

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    What did you end up getting?
  19. beth1004

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    Thanks so much.
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