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  1. hysop

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    Here are my 9 to 10 day olds. They get this once a day if the weather permits.
  2. hysop

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    Thanks I finally moved all of them together One pooped its first poop after eating some crumbles. of course it was right smack in the middle of the feed. I removed it of course.
  3. hysop

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    Thanks I put the smallest one although they all look the same size to me. The ones that hatched in the night were given away and I’m sure those were much smaller being a little younger than the ones that hatched yesterday morning.
  4. hysop

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    Should I put the newly hatched chick with the others? It looks so lonely in there. It’s still not fluffy at all.
  5. hysop

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    My last one is zipping!! And since pretty soon all will have made it for this hatch I’m gonna go on a limb here and say the reason my last hatch wasn’t 100% too was due to humidity since all were fully developed.
  6. hysop

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    Wow! Okay, that’s how long I will wait before collecting eggs with the new rooster as the fertilizer 😂 And I decided to give my husband’s aunt 4 out of the ones that hatched last night. If they’re all roosters oh well, they’re free. But I do think she has at least one female if not more.
  7. hysop

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    All hatched!! The last one has an external pip so I left two in the incubator to motivate it. (I still can’t believe one came out white! My White Leghorn‘s seed lasted 2 weeks!!) Here is a low quality picture. Can’t get it to focus. I’m giving 4 away to my husband’s aunt so I’m debating on...
  8. hysop

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    I’m going to bed after seeing the one that hasn’t pipped rock and roll a little bit. So whoever makes it will make it. Thank you, you are very right, leaving them alone is the best thing for them now 😊
  9. hysop

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    Thanks! I really need to hear it even if I know better. Even my husband was like leave it alone! I did and it made it’s own little hole eventually. Debating on going to bed and waking up to more chicks in my incubator or staying up but I feel it would drive me crazy. Out of the 7 that are...
  10. hysop

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    All my eggs have externally pipped so I’m hoping I can go to bed with all of them hatched but that would mean no more than 2 hrs
  11. hysop

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    This egg has been like this for a few hours. Should I open that hole?
  12. hysop

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    I have passed my 50% hatch rate mark for this hatch. 8 of 15 have hatched and more are externally pipped. One ended up being white which tells me 2 weeks was not enough time for my White Leghorn’s sperm to die.
  13. hysop

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    How is your glass so clean? My chicks’ feather dust or whatever it’s called is all over my glass.
  14. hysop

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    5 chicks have hatched. 1 is zipping. 1 has externally pipped. I’m so excited!!
  15. hysop

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    I know the answer but I need reassurance. This chick is playing major soccer. All my eggs were nearly in a circle and he has destroyed my circle and they’re all over the place. Some of the pip holes are toward the bottom now due to rolling them. Will they be okay? I have zero plans to remove...
  16. hysop

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    This waiting is for the birds. Literally. They have the patience for it. It’s like all knowledge of how long it takes a chick to come out of the egg from external pip goes out the window and I ask: it’s been 5 mins when are they getting out? 🤣
  17. hysop

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    Here’s my first OE to hatch. I need to see them fluffy.
  18. hysop

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    I am seeing 6 out of 15 external pips but it’s only morning! I was hoping to see someone out already this morning like last time on the morning of day 21. The awesome news is that a good majority of those 6 external pips are from the eggs I couldn’t see anything in them. (Just heard a chirp ❤️)
  19. hysop

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    Sorry about the power outage but so happy your eggs are on their last days. Fingers crossed they make it!
  20. hysop

    11th Annual Easter Hatch a Long 2020

    So at 4am to 8am (EST) it will be in the 40s. I have my incubator in the living room which tends to get chilly at night. I don’t want to unplug it and move it this late (Day 20). In the future I will be incubating in a more controlled room. For now, should I wrap a towel around to trap heat...
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